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My leg bounced up and down quickly. I twisted my rings, looking out the window watching the sun set. In three hours I will land and will be in the same city as my baby.

I had a whole row to myself which was nice. My stomach has been twisting in nervous knots since I got on the plane. Once I land I know I will be alright and back to normal.

I tried shutting my eyes to get some sleep but the light chatter and humming is enough to keep me on edge.

Once I land I will be driven straight to where Billie is playing. I decided to surprise her at the show. I haven't seen Billie in about 6 months. That's the longest I've been away from anyone. We haven't FaceTimed in about 3 months because of time differences and scheduling. I haven't gotten a text besides: hi, have a good day, I miss you, I'm thinking of you, or I love you, in about a month. All I can think about is how much I just want to hold and kiss her. While also simultaneously thinking about how nauseous I am from this stupid tin box with wings.

One hour to go
I was able to take a 30 minute nap. After that I tried to read my book. That made me more nauseous. So I stuck with music. It's been a year since I've seen Billie live but I just can't wait for her to be in my arms.

The buzzing from people seemed to get louder since we were close to landing. I tried to calm my nerves but the more excited I get, the more my nerves started to grow.

30 minutes until show time
Plane arrived later than it was supposed to. Figures. So I had to Uber to the venue and hopefully be able to be let in by security.

Finneas: where are you?! Billie is starting to get more and more nosey!
Me: sorry! Plane arrived late. I'm five minutes away.
Finneas: okay. Your reunion will have to be postponed. I'll have security bring you in.

The Uber driver was trying to have a conversation but I was way too nervous to chit chat. Again. The more excited I get means I grow more nervous. I was shaking with excitement as I got out of the Uber. I grabbed my small carryon bag and walked to the front of a venue. A security guard asked for my ID.

"Alright. Follow me." He said. I could hear the opening act. "Are you pit or VIP?" He asked. "Um? I don't know." I said. I scrolled through my conversation with Finneas. "Vip." I said. He nodded.

I followed a total of four security guards to the section. Fans recognized me and I stopped briefly to tell them to keep it a secret. They all agreed and some started to cry. Mood. That's all I wanted to do. Vip was located on the side of the stage. Good. She wouldn't see me that easily. I saw claudia and she practically jumped on me. "I've missed you so much! I'm so glad you're here!" She said. "She doesn't have any idea?" I asked. "Nope. Only Finneas and I know. Maggie and Patrick don't know." She said. I smiled. "Why am I nervous?" I asked. Claudia laughed. "It's cause you're excited!" She said squeezing my arm.

Oh right. We've already been over that. I looked to see that we were behind some fans. "Hopefully she doesn't see me." I said.

Billie walked over to the vip section twice so far. Everytime I held my breath. Maggie walked behind me. "Y/n?" She asked. I turned around quickly. "I'm so glad to see you! I didn't know you were coming!" She said. I smiled. "Finneas set everything up." I said. "I think Billie saw you." Claudia said. I turned around and Bille was back a center stage.

Sure enough she was right. Once the song ended she paused. "So um. I think my eyes are playing tricks on me or my girlfriend, who I haven't seen in like 6 months, is standing over there." She said. Everyone started to scream and yell. She looked at Finneas and he shrugged. "Next song." He said into his mic. Her jaw dropped and the next song began. "I can't handle this." A fan said. "Move up!" One of them said. "No no. It's okay." I said. "Girl. Stop being like that. Come on!" A fan laughed. "Claudia you too!" We were pulled to the barricade. "Besides. I got you on pictures." Said a fan. Billie spent probably way too much time on our side than she was suppose to but you could tell she didn't care.

The show ended. Billie did a small meet and greet. I went back to the green room and waited for her. While I was waiting I got dms from the girls. I smiled as I scrolled through all the pictures.
There was this one that gave me butterflies

56,578 likes Y/username: you don't know how my I missed your perfect face!

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Y/username: you don't know how my I missed your perfect face!


It had only been an hour before Billie practically tore down the door. She ran over to me, knocking me to the floor. "Billie! Be careful!" Maggie sighed. I giggled as she planted kisses all over my face. "I almost passed out when I saw you." She said. "Am I that scary?" I asked. "I was shocked. You have no I idea how much I missed you." She said hugging my neck. We still laid on the floor. "I don't know if I would stay there." Finneas said. "It's kinda dirty." He said. Billie stood up. "And you! You're a dork. Flying my girlfriend out and shit." She said. He smiled. "Your welcome. It was no problem really." He said walking over to Claudia. "How long are you staying?" Billie asked. "A few weeks." I said. Billie smiled and wrapped her arms around my waist and I pulled her in. "I missed you." She mumbled. "I missed you more."

Back on the bus, we stayed up in the siting area in the back. "Hotel tomorrow." She mumbled. She had her head in my neck and I rested mine on top of hers. My arms securely around her shoulder and hers around my waist. "Really?" I asked. "Mhmm." She said. I kissed her forehead. "I'm sorry I have been calling or texting that much." She said. "It's okay. I know your busy." I said. She hummed. "I wanna stay like this forever." She said. "Then let's do it" I said. She chuckled. "Okay. I'm so happy." She said causing me to smile. "Happier than ever?" I asked. She chuckled again. "You got it." She said. I kissed her nose. "Why don't we get some sleep?" I asked. "Let's just sleep here." She said. "Okay. Goodnight." I whispered. "Love you." She said and we both fell asleep.

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