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A/n: this is a other fluffy Billie blurb.

It was moments like these I loved and cherished the most. Billie surprised me by coming home from tour early. We recently starting dating while she was on tour. With her being gone, it made me realize how much I liked her. She felt the same way. Long distance was hard but this moment made it worth it.

She was wrapped in my arms as we laid across my messy bed. We hardly said a word to each other but we didn't have to.

She placed her chin on my chest and looked up at me. "You're really pretty." She whispered. I smiled and tucked her hair behind her ear. "I love you." I whispered. She closed her eyes and opened them a few seconds later. "That sounds so much better in person." She hummed. I rolled over to my side and moved so we were spooning.

Her fingers traced the patterns of my tattoos. I placed a soft kiss on her shoulder. "I want a tattoo." She whispered. "Are you tired? That's the first time I've heard that from you." I laughed. She let out a chuckled. "I know. But they're so pretty on you." She said.

She rolled over so she was facing me. "What do you have planned later?" She asked. "Nothing. I was gonna clean my apartment." I said. She moved some clothes off my bed and grabbed a blanket covering us. "Well we're cuddling all day." She said. I kissed her forehead and pulled her closer. "But tonight you're coming to meet my parents and some friends. They're doing a dinner to celebrate end of tour and they want to meet you" she said. "Oh I'm excited!" I said. "Kinda nervous but excited." She smiled. "And I think fin is proposing to his girlfriend. But I'm not sure." She said. "Aw. They're cute. I stalked her insta the other day. She was already following me." I said. "Yeah- I kinda talked about you a lot." Billie said looking down. "Well i did the same thing. Except I didn't tell anyone it was you." I said. She laughed. "You can tell your friends." She said. I shook my head. "I'm not super close with them. I told my best friend. Well obviously cause she was on FaceTime with me." I said. She laughed.

She yawned and snuggled closer to my chest. "Get some rest love. Im not going anywhere." I said closing my eyes. We both drifted off to sleep.

I was woken by Billie shaking me slightly. I opened my eyes to be greeted by Billie looking down on me. "Good afternoon." She smiled. "What time is it?" I asked stretching. "4:30- we have an hour before we have to leave." She said. I sat up. "I love you so much." She said. A smiled plastered my face. "Come here." I said kissing her softly.

I pulled away and she smiled. "That was better than I imagined." She said. "How did we survive months apart?" I asked. "I honestly don't know." She frowned. "Well. We're together now so." I said kissing her forehead. "I'm gonna take a quick shower." I said. She nodded. "Hurry back! Don't drown!" 

I quickly got dressed. Billie changed into something she had in her bag. "Ready?" She asked. I nodded. I locked the door and walked to her car.

The drive was nice. Billies music played softly. She was deep in thought and I couldn't stop admiring her. We pulled up to her parents. She flashed me a smiled and grabbed my hand. Pushing open the front door we were greeted by an empty house. "Everyone must be out back." She said. She led me through her house. I smiled at all the pictures as we walked through.

Outside everyone was sitting at a table. "There they are!" Finneas said standing up. "Hi. I'm Finneas." He said holding out his hand. "Y/n." I smiled. "Nice to finally meet you." He said. Claudia was behind him. She crushed Billie in a hug. "Hi! I'm claudia!" She said giving me a bone crushing hug. "I've heard so much about you!" She said. I smiled. "Yeah me too!" A lady who I assumed was her mom approached Billie. "Y/n, this is my mom." Billie said. "Maggie." She said also hugging me. "Nice to meet you." She said. "Alright come sit- foods almost ready." She said. Billie led me to the table and introduced everyone.

I sat next to Billie and at the end of the table. Finneas and claudia sat across from us. "Everyone is so nice. I'm overwhelmed." I whispered to Billie. She looked at me and smiled grabbing my hand. "I talk about you a lot." She whispered. Maggie walked out with a large salad bowl. "Veggie burgers are inside." She said.

While we ate different conversations erupted. "So y/n, what do you do? Billie said something about producing?" Asked Finneas. "Sort of." I smiled. "My dream is to be a producer. But I use to work as a pr agent for a company. I use to handle all the press and stuff." I said. He nodded. "That's cool." He said. "Yeah it was fun. I quit though. The company was super shady and I didn't want that on my conscience." I said. He laughed. "And your roommate is a YouTuber?" Asked Claudia? "Yeah. She's actually on a us road trip right now. She invited me to go but-" I looked at Billie. "I decided to stay in LA." I said. "Do you have any future career plans?" Finneas asked. "Damn. What's with all the hard hitting questions." Asked Billie. "I'm just trying to get to know her! I mean I could ask her favorite color." He said. I laughed. "It's black. But yeah I either want to stick with producing or the complete opposite and go into the legal side of things." I said. He nodded. "Those are very different. What made you think of that?" He asked.

Once desert was brought out, the table was now talking about embarrassing childhood stories. "Like remember when me and Billie did those talent shows?" Finneas said. "Oh yeah! Those were cute not embarrassing." Maggie said. Billie leaned into my side. I wrapped my arm around her. "I just have to say that I'm glad Billie's taste in partners changed. Can we please appreciate how cute they look right now?" Said one of her friends. Billie blushed and I kissed the top of her head.

"Honestly we all were there for the talking stage. Like- i feel like I speak for everyone when I say that I feel like I already know you so well." Her other friend said. (A/n: You guys can decide who/ or come up with names. I'm being lazzzzyyy) I smiled and wrapped my arms tighter around billie. "No. You're right. All I heard was- 'Look at how cute she is' 'oh my god i miss y/n so muc-'" Finneas said mocking Billie. Billie stood up and threw a napkin at him. "Okay. Okay. That's enough." She said. I laughed and looked at her.

"Alright." Maggie said grabbing plates. Billie sat back down and grabbed my hand. "You're cute when you're flustered." I whispered. She rolled her eyes. "They really know how to embarrassed me." She said. "I was basically the same way." I said kissing her cheek. "Alright love birds- Billie I need your help with something." Finneas said walking back to the house. She winked and ran into the house. After she was gone I turned to Claudia and her friends- "So- her birthday is coming up and I need your help." I said. "Um of course! What are you planning?" Claudia asked. "I have a few ideas but I also would like some help working out the details." I said. They all nodded. "Here give me your numbers." I said handing them my phone. "Okay I'm excited." One of her friends said. I smiled. Billie ran back out with Maggie behind her. Billie turned on some music from a speaker she had in her hands. It was a slower song and I immediately recognized it was Finneas singing. "Dance with me!" She said pulling me up.

"Is he gonna do it?" I whispered. She nodded. We swayed to the music. "This is a pretty song." I said. "He wrote it for her." She said. "That's the cutest thing I've ever heard." I said. "I wrote a song for you. Literally the night we met." She said. "Oh yeah?" I asked. She nodded. "Can I hear it soon?" I asked. "Maybe. It's kinda bad." She laughed. "I doubt that-" I said. Finneas walked out and pulled Claudia up from the table. "Can't let them have all the spotlight now can we?" He laughed.

The song played quietly. I saw Maggie take out her phone. Billie pulled us back towards the table. Finneas got down to one knee and began his speech. Everyone literally froze and Billie bounced up and down excitedly. I smiled at her fondly. When Claudia said yes we all cheered.

Back at my apartment, we were back in the position we were in this morning. Billie was humming a song. I played with her hair. "Tonight was fun." I said after a while. "Yeah? Well my family loved you." She said. "I love them. Your dad is so funny." I said. "Yeah. He loves you. I got a paragraph a little while ago telling me that he was glad that we met because none of my past relationships he was able to have a conversation like that. Or something." She said. "That was the vibe of the night. It seemed like everyone was super weary." I said. "Yeah. My past relationships were rough." She said. "Another thing we have in common." I laughed. I brushed her cheek softly. She looked at me and leaned closer. Our lips met softly. "I love you." I mumbled against her lips. "I love you more." She said snuggling closer to me. We drifted off to sleep after that. Just happy and content with having each other so close.

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