enemies or lovers

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i rolled over as my eyes adjusted to the bright light coming into my room.

i blindly reached for my phone

jessie ❤️‍🔥: hey bitch. you alive? come to morgan's before school!

morgan 🦄: where you at?

i groaned and rolled back over.

Billie: hey!

i closed out of messenger and closed my eyes again.

ding. ding. ding.

i sat up and grabbed my phone. "jesus fuck." i mumbled.

Billie: so someone leaked a video of us

jess❤️‍🔥: you and BILLIE?! okay!!! living!


"fucking great." i said going to snap. sure enough the video of us making out in the front lawn was everywhere.

me: what are you doing right now?

Billie: nothing.

me: wanna skip?

i sent my address and made myself stand and go to the bathroom. my makeup was smeared. i softly scrubbed my face. "riley? me and your dad are leaving. see you in a month! take care of your sister!" i heard my mom yell. "bye!" i yelled.

"riley? are you going to school?" asked roni. "no not today. i'm not feeling well. i can walk you to the bus stop?" i asked. she shook her head. "feel better." she smiled.

i dried my face and wandered back to my room. i heard the front door close.

billie: here.

i locked my phone and walked down stairs. i opened the door and there she was smiling. "hi!" i said in a cheery tone. she laughed and pushed me inside. her hands grabbed my face and kissed me softly. "so! what are we doing today?" she asked.  "hmm. i don't know. i'm hung over so probably movies?" i asked. she shrugged. "you should come over to my place tonight." she said. "why?" i asked. "my brother wants to meet you officially. cause you were really drunk last night." she said. "and my parents are out of town so it will just be the three of us. before he leaves." she said.

"i can't. my little sister is alone. my parents are gone for the month." i said. she nodded. "maybe he can come here? and we can order pizza?" i asked. "you sure? we can wait until you-." she said. "what? you don't wanna stay here?" i asked. she smiled. "i mean how is your sister going to react?" she asked. "she's chill. she will be obsessed with you." i said. billie laughed. "have you eaten?" she asked. "no. i just woke up." i said. "let's go get food." she said grabbing my hand.

billie drove, windows down, hair flying, music blaring. i looked at her in the early afternoon sun. she was mumbling along to the song. she made eye contact and smirked. "what?" she asked. "nothing." i said. she pushed my face away. "it's rude to stare." she said. i rolled my eyes. "don't pretend you don't enjoy it." i said.

she shook her head.

"so how come you're the way you are?" she asked. i looked at her. "what do you mean?" i asked. she looked at me. "i mean. how come i know nothing about you?" she asked. "i don't know. you made my life annoying there for a while." i said laying back down. "Jess and Morgan don't know much about you either." she said. i shrugged. "they never asked or seemed to care." i said. she frowned. "then they aren't very good friends." she said. "i mean it's not like i want them to know either. it's not like they haven't tried." i said.

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