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A/n: just a short update :)
Billie and I had broken up like... six months ago? I couldn't remember. We got into a stupid fight and our egos are way to big so neither one of us wanted to apologize first.

"Cmon. You know you're not over her." My friend, Morgan said. "Your point?" I asked. I had been stalking her Instagram. "Um? Get back together? Apologize you weirdo. What was the fight about again?" She asked. "I don't know." I said. "I don't care. I'm fine by myself." I said looking at my phone. I closed out of Instagram and opened Twitter. "You're literally insane." She mumbled.

It was true. I was still in love with her but I always apologized first. "Want to go to a party tonight?" I asked. "Duh what kind of question is that?" I rolled my eyes. "I'll come get you at 10:45." I said standing. "Okay. See you later." She said.

I honked my horn. The door opened and slammed as morgan ran to my car. "Sorry. My mom was giving me some lecture." She frowned. "It's fine. I figured." I said.

We rode in silence on the way to the party. "I wonder is Josh is gonna be there." She said twirling your hair. "You have the weirdest taste in boys." I cringed. "You don't get to talk, you can't even talk to the person you're in love with. These are just crushed. I'm sorry I think he's hot!" She said. "What happened to Jordan?" I asked. "He got back together with his ex." She shrugged. "Oh." I said.

We pulled up to a packed house. "Everyone is here! I thought you said it was gonna be a small party." She said. "Well it is a small town. What else are you going to do?" I shrugged. "Yeah." She said. We made our way inside. I didn't really see anyone I found interesting. I walked to the kitchen. I grabbed a cup of juice and a little vodka. I turned around and Morgan was gone. "Well shit." I mumbled.

I walked into the living room. I saw Riane sitting on the couch. "Y/n?! You're here?" She yelled. I laughed. "Bitch- when do I not come to parties." I said flopping next to her. "You right." She said. "I'm not drinking tonight so if you need a ride later-." She said. "Oh I drove. But thanks." I said. She shook her head. "Billie is here." She said. "And?" I asked. She threw her hands up. "Okay. But don't drive drunk." She said. "Oh hush." I said. "Besides I'm like three minutes down the road so I can always walk." I said. She nodded. "In that case." She said grabbing my hand. "Let's go smoke." She said pulling me out by the pool.

"How have you been?" She asked. "Fine?" I asked. "Hmm. I know you don't want to hear this but-" she stopped. "Go ahead." I groaned. "I know what you're gonna say." She paused. "You've been ignoring her texts. Shes been trying to apologize for months." She said. I took the blunt and puffed it. "Please. She never apologizes." I said. "You're being ridiculous but I'm not going to harp on it." She shrugged. "Thanks." I laughed sipping on my drink. I hit the blunt again as we heard the door open. We both looked to see Billie walking out. "Oh my god." I said. I handed riane the blunt back and stood up. "See you later. I have to go find Morgan." I said. "Wait y/n!" Billie called. I walked past her and walked through the door. I sighed and made my way to the kitchen. I filled my cup and started to walk around a bit.

I was in the living room watching people make a fool of themselves. A few hours went by. I've been avoiding Billie everywhere I go. I don't know why I wouldn't let her talk. I just- I don't know. I'm just a petty bitch. Riane fell next to me. "Just talk to her." She said. "I'm too drunk to talk to anyone right now." I said. Riane sighed. "So is she." She said pointing to the corner. She was leaned against it talking to some random girl, laughing. A twinge of jealousy hit my stomach. "Come. Let's dance." Riane said. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'll find you after." I said.

I exited the living room and ran into Morgan. "Y/n! I'm going home with Josh." she said. I nodded. "Be safe." I said. Josh walked behind her. "You be safe. You were suppose to drive us home. How am I the one sober." She said hugging me. "Im either gonna crash here or walk home." I shrugged. She nodded. "I'll text you tomorrow." She said leaving. I pushed open the bathroom door. I looked in the mirror. I hung my head and closed my eyes. The room spun. I heard the bathroom door open and closed. I looked up to see Billie standing against the door. We made eye contact and I shook my head looking away. "Hi." She said. I turned around and crossed my arms. She sighed. "Can we please-" she stopped. I raised my eyebrow. "Talk." She said. I nodded. "Look I'm sorry. It was stupid to argue. We aren't the best at apologizing. I'm sorry for never apologizing. I miss you. So much. I'm not mad at you. I never was. I texted you everyday for the past few months." She said pausing. "I understand if you're done with me but I just wanted to apologize." She said looking at her hands. "So yeah. That's all." She said going to leave. I reached out and grabbed her hand. She looked at me and I crashed my lips to hers. The room spun fast as her arms wrapped around my neck. I pushed her up against the sink as my hands found her hips, pulling her closer. "I missed you." I said pulling away. She smiled. "And I'm sorry for being dumb and not trying to make things right." I said. He cheeks were slightly flushed. "Wanna get out of her?" She asked. I nodded. We left the bathroom and walked out of the house.

We walked in silence for most of the three minute walk. "So you and riane?" She asked. I looked at her confused. "Didn't know you guys knew each other." She shrugged. "I mean- I'm popular, she's popular." I shrugged. "Weren't you Morgan's ride home?" She asked. I took her hand. "No. I always take her to the parties. She leaves with what ever boy she's on for the month." I said. She nodded. "Plus I don't think I should drive. I had a lot." I said. Billie giggled. "I missed you." She said. "I missed you too." I smiled. "Want to come in for a minute?" She asked as we approached her house. Most of us lived on the same street in this awful small town.

I hesitated. "No ones home. I mean. I just thought-" she said. I chuckled. "Yeah. I would love too." I said. "But we need to make popcorn." I said. "Why?" She asked. "Because popcorn sounds amazing." I said. She laughed. "Okay. I'll make you some popcorn you dork." She said as we walked through her front door.

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