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A/n: will most likely redo this later. Idk how I feel about this concept.

Warning: very smutty. Very kinky

The fact that Billie invited me to her house party was surprising. The fact we only get along when we're making out any other time we're just fighting and yelling. I instantly felt overwhelmed as I made my way to the kitchen to find something to drink. Settling on a coke I wandered around to find someone that I know.

I didn't have to see her. Her scent was the only thing I needed. I turned around to see her sitting on the couch behind me. She instantly stood up and approached me. I tried to walk away but she followed me.

The next few events happened fast. I'm afraid I'm going to wake up with whiplash tomorrow.

Her hand grabbed my arm, spinning me around. Her face was close to mine, her scent overwhelming and locking me in place. She studied my body language for a moment.

The smile on her face was proof that she knew exactly what she was doing. She knew she had me right where she wanted. Her hand went from my arm to my hips. I melted against her body. Smirking she kissed me passionately.

My eyes remained closed as she pulled us to a room close by. I opened my eyes to see her pulling her shirt over her head as she pushed me to the bed.

This was typical of us. The fights. The sex. The hidden love. The fact we can't stay away. There was no point of running away. She knew I was intoxicated by her. No matter what bad things she does to me- she knows the more she treats me like shit, the more I want to stay. There was something exciting about it.

She walked closer to me and I put my hands up. "We're not gonna talk?" I asked. "I don't want to hear a sound from you." She whispered pushing my chin up so was looking into her eyes. "Except you know-" she said trailing her hands down my body. She really know how to get me going. There was no stopping now.

I lifted my own shirt and threw it onto the floor. She smirked. "Good girl. Now fully strip." She said. She turned around and locked the door. I did was she said. I sat in the middle of the bed.

She turned around and sat walked to the bed. She hovered over me on her knees bringing her lips to mine once again. She pushed me to the pillows of the small bed. Hands roaming. Nothing said. Just panting and soft gasps. I felt her hands on my wrists. A rough material was wrapped around them.

I opened my eyes. "If you protest I'll make it tighter." She said. I smirked. "Who's says I don't want it tighter?" I asked. She looked at me. "Did I tell you to speak?" She asked. I shut my mouth and she nibbled my ear. "Good girl."

After she tied the rope to the headboard she pulled away and her eyes raked over my body. "You are so gorgeous." She said. So many sarcastic comments flooded my mind. I remained silent. She ran her hands over my torso and breasts. I closed my eyes. This was enough to push me over the edge. Her mouth hovered over my neck and body, leaving hot kisses and marks everywhere.

My legs were spread opened and her fingers danced in my inner thigh. I let out a sigh and she chuckled.

She was hovering over me again. She slipped off her pants. "Look at me." She said as she pressed her strap into my inner thigh. A moan escaped my lips. She kissed my lips again. Her lips trailing down my neck to my breasts. Her fingers teased my core. "It's hard to stay away isn't it." She said. "I know I know." She said. I met her eyes again. "You know I need you for the oxytocin." She said lining up to my core.

I swallowed. "Let's see how much you can take." She whispered as she pushed in. "Oh fuck." I said as I pulled on the rope. "Hmm. It's not looking good so far." She said. I whimpered as she kept at a slow place. "You want me to go faster?" She asked. I nodded. "Beg for it." She said.

"Please- I need it." I said. She quicken a little. I groaned. "Is that the best you can do?" I said. She hummed. "Watch it." She warned. "Oh come on. Show me your best." I said. She just smiled. "Have it your way." She said. She pounded into me. "Oh holy fuck." I cried. "I want you to scream." She said in my ear. She bit down on my neck and sucked the freshly marked skin.

I moaned as her hand pressed my my clit. I let out a scream as pleasure pulsed through my body. My back arched. I could hear Billie panting. "I'm so fucking close." I cried. "Hmm." Billie sighed and stopped. I whimpered. "Please. No games." I sighed. She laughed. "Who's in charge?" She asked. I groaned as she undid the rope.

"On your knees." She said. I moaned as she tied my hands behind my back. "Now. Let's start over." She said. I jumped as her tongue licked my clit. "Already so sensitive." She said. I moaned as she sucked lightly. Her fingers played with my entrance. "Please-" I said. She hummed and I pressed my hips to her face. "No." She said holding my hips still. "I'm in charge. You say still." She said. My knees shook at how stern she was being.

I felt the strap back at my entrance. She slowly pushed in. As soon as she was in she stopped. She slowly circled my clit. Her hips snapped back and forth slowly, never fully leaving. These soft and slow movements were enough to drive me close again. "I'm close-" I said. She hummed and stopped me movement. I sighed. "Please." I whined.

She chuckled. As soon as my almost orgasm was gone she quicken her pace making me scream. "Stop playing around." I said. She pulled out. I whimpered. "I'm sorry." I said. She pulled me fully on my knees so my head was no longer on the bed. "You're going have to wait now." She said. I whimpered. "Nah."  She said. "Stay like that." she said. I stayed in my spot. She placed a blind fold over my eyes. 

I heard her rummage through something. She sat back behind my. "You're not gonna find this fun but I promise the release is going to be worth it." She said. I swallowed as and placed a vibrator to my clit. "You're not allowed to cum." She said. "Hold it in." She said rotating it. I moaned as her free hand tweaked my nipples. My third orgasm approached. She pulled the toy away so it was barley there.

I didn't react. I was growing more and more frustrated. "Good girl." She said. She slipped the vibrator into me. It hit my gspot perfectly. I screamed as my body shook as my fourth orgasm quickly approached. I fell to the bed. My head hit a pillow. Bille gasped at the sight. "I'm making you feel so good. Huh?" She asked kissing my back. "Yes-" I gasped. She turned the toy off. My orgasm melted away. My body was shaking at the stimulation.

She pulled me back up. "Ride me." She said. I moaned. She undid the rope and took off the blindfold. She laid down on the pillows. I hovered over her. She slipped in and I gasped at the angle. "Fuck." I moaned. She guided my hips up and down. "Hmm." I sighed. She met my hips with a quick snap. "You feel so good." I said. She grabbed my neck and gently squeezed. I gasped and my eyes rolled back as my orgasm approached. "Come for me." She said. My pace quickened as my release hit. I screamed out in pleasure as I fell forward. My body shook as i was overpowered. Billie moaned at the sight.

"I love making you feel so good." She whispered into my ear. I whimpered as she pulled out. She threw off her strap. I was pushed to my back. "No. I can't-" i said as she hovered over me again. "Oh I'm pretty sure you can." she said kissing down my body. "You know I have to taste you." She said licking up my core. My hips bucked. She smirked and attached herself to my clit, sucking harshly. I fisted the sheets. "I'm not gonna last long." I sighed as she rolled her thumb over my clit. "I know. That's the point." She said swirling her tongue again.

My orgasm hit like a ton of bricks. My head was thrown back as I shook. My leps quivered and Bille pulled away. "I love how I have this effect on you." She said. I hummed as my breathing slowed. "I-" I said. She shushed me. "Don't speak." She said pulled me into her chest. My eyes closed. I breathed in her scent. "We are right for each other in all the bad ways." She said. "Mhmm." I said pulling away. "You should run away before I hurt you." She said. I looked at her and sat up. "Too late for that." I said getting dressed.

She sat up and slipped her shirt and pants back on. "Oh come on. Don't do this." She said. I turned to her. "This is how our relationship will always be. We will fight and we will always fuck our feeling out so we don't have to talk about it." I said. She walked over to me. "So like I said. We are right in all the wrong ways." She said. I pushed past her. "Exactly. Bye Billie." I said leaving the room and walking out go the door.

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