the beginning

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A/n: so apparently all my drafts decided to disappear sooo enjoy this filler while i rewrite everything (rip).

Billies p.o.v
Deciding to unfollow everyone was probably the best idea I've had for a while. Social media is so fake it's hard to literally scroll without getting bombarded with perfection.

Y/n was sitting next to me scrolling through her phone smiling and laughing at various things. "Bro. Let's do something." I said sitting up. She looked at me for a second. "Like what?" She asked as she scrolled some more. I looked at her screen. "Something." I said. She looked at me. "Isn't she pretty?" She asked. I nodded. "Sure." I said jumping up. She locked her phone. "We could go take pics?" She said. "Don't you have that outfit you want to post?" She asked. "No. That's the last thing I want to do." I said. She frowned. "But you were excited earlier." She said.

I stood in front of my mirror. "Yeah but now I don't feel up to it" I said looking at myself. I saw her watching me in the mirror. She looked confused. "Okay- well-" she said. I lifted up my shirt and looked at my stomach. My eyes briefly looked at y/n. She's always so stunning. "Billie?" She asked. "Hmm?" I said. "Um. What are you doing?" She asked. I sighed. "I just feel- gross."

She stood up. "Okay- but like- are you sick?" She asked. "No." I said. She nodded. Her eyes stayed on my reflection. "I just am sick of it all. Like I hate that I do this." I sighed. She gave me a small smile. "Like everyone is so happy all the time. They're so perfect and don't have a single flaw while I'm here-" I trailed off. I looked to the floor. "Not to mention everyone has someone they're so happy with. I don't think I can be happy. I don't think I'll ever get the chance to have someone to love-." I said. I felt her arms wrap around my waist.

"Self love is hard." She whispered. "Not to mention everything is fake on social media." I nodded. "I know all that. I just want to stop feeling this way." I said. She let go and spun me around. "It takes time." She said. I nodded. "I think you're pretty awesome. I'll help you see. Or try. And honestly you'll find someone. You're the most romantic person I know." She said. I laughed. "I don't have the great track record." I said. "Well if you stop picking the wrong ones-" she laughed. I pulled her into a hug. "Thank you for being there for me." I whispered. "Don't thank me." She said.

I honestly hate seeing Billie so hard on herself. She literally deserves the world. As I stood there with her in my embrace I thought of everything I could to help cheer her up. "Alright. Put on some shoes. We're going to Taco Bell." I said. She smiled and turned away. I grabbed my phone and keys and headed into the out of the house. Billie followed suit and locked the door.

I pulled into a park and turned the car off. "Let's go." I said grabbing the bag of food. I climbed onto of a slide and patted the spot next to me. "Look at the sky." I said looking up. Billie looked up and smiled. "It's pretty." She said. I pulled out our food and chewed quietly. My phone buzzed next to me. Ignoring it I turned it over and looked to Billie.

"I haven't had Taco Bell in so long." I said. She nodded. "It's such trash." She laughed. Silence fell.

"When does tour start?" I asked. She sighed. "I don't want to think about that." She said. I nodded. I haven't been friends with Billie for long. We met through a mutual friend and we instantly just clicked. "Do you have any projects coming up?" She asked. "Yeah. I actually have to shoot a wedding next week." I said. "Then after that I have to start putting together my portfolio for grad school." I said. "Wait are you like actually going somewhere?" She asked. "No. I'm staying online." I smiled crumbing up my food wrappers and placing them back into the bag. "Good. So you could come with me on tour?" She asked. I smiled. "I love too but I'll have to take pictures for projects." I said. She nodded. "I mean like what? Wouldn't it be cool to have picture from around the world?" She asked. I pursed my lips. "I feel like you would get sick of me." I said honestly. She shook her head. "Quite the opposite." She said looking at my face.

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