five years later (viii)

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language; pregnancy

r/b: random book 
y/f/n: your full name

two weeks.

two weeks since finding out you were pregnant again and you still hadn't told ricky.

after the initial shock wore off, you were ... excited, though you always thought if you had another child, finn would be at least ten by then.

but you and ricky hadn't talked about another kid. the two of you hadn't even been back in each others' lives for a year.

you rub your still flat stomach as you sit down on the edge of your bed. you wonder how far along you are, though you won't have to wait much longer to find out—you have an appointment with an obgyn next week.

the front door opens and shuts and you jump, holding your hand to your chest.

"babe?" ricky calls to you from downstairs.

you get up, walking out of the bedroom and downstairs.

he greets you with a kiss.

you pull away all too soon for his liking.

"how was the first day of recording?" you ask him, resting your hands on his chest. you unconsciously fiddle with the strings on his sweatshirt.

he presses his forehead against yours, hands on your waist, thumbs rubbing circles on your stomach, unaware of the life growing in there.

"it was good," ricky murmurs. "great. there's a song i can't wait for you to hear."

"oh? well, can i hear it?" you pull on the strings on his sweatshirt, quirking your brow when he starts laughing.

"no." he shakes his head softly, and you pout. "but i'll tell you this—i also wrote it after first running you in to you. it came to me like five seconds after you and finn left the food court. okay, that's a lie. more like thirty minutes after."

he grabs your face, kissing your nose.

"i promise you'll love it though."

"of course i will," you chuckle. "i love everything you write and sing."


"mhm," you nod.

and to your dismay, ricky removes his hands from your face and walks into the kitchen.

you hear the sound of the fridge opening, walking into the kitchen to find ricky searching for something to snack on.

"how was your day, babe?" he asks.

"great," you answer.

"when did we get all the blackberries?" ricky mutters.

they were something you'd been craving, so you'd gone out earlier to buy a few boxes, just after you'd dropped finn off at school.

how would he take the news of a new baby?

finally, ricky settles for a yogurt parfait. he takes out the half-eaten tub of non-fat greek yogurt you guys have in the fridge, a box of your blackberries, and gets some granola from the cereal cabinet.

as he makes his snack, you lick your lips, wondering how you could break the news to him.

"have you thought about having another kid?" you blurt out as he takes his first spoonful of his parfait.

he freezes, for just a millisecond, before saying, "with you or?"

you shrug a shoulder. "with ... anyone," though it pains you to say that.

when there was me & you ⇀ ricky bowen imagines {ON HIATUS}Where stories live. Discover now