love at first sight

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- it's saturday, and you and ricky are hanging out at his place

- you're in the middle of mixing the ingredients to make chocolate chip cookies when ricky suggests you guys go down to the animal shelter

- "i don't want to go down there, ricky. it's depressing."

"no it's not."

"yes it is. it's heartbreaking."

- finally— neither of you are sure how— he convinces you to go to the animal shelter

- you cover the bowl of cookie dough with a square of foil and shove it in his fridge, before putting on your coat

- it's a short walk to the animal shelter. ricky would have much preferred to skateboard on over, but you couldn't skate and had no other means of transportation

- you have to take a deep breath before you follow ricky into the shelter, preparing yourself for all the heartbreaking stories you'll likely encounter

- you see a blind golden retriever. a german shepherd with no tail (i don't want to be too depressing so we won't prolong this)

- ricky notices your slumped posture and pouted lip, and wraps his arm around you as you two move to the cats

- "what about that one?" he asks you, pointing to a black cat missing its two hind legs

- you nearly smack him before he continues, "let's adopt him."

- you go to read his little profile the shelter put up and after reading it, there wasn't much left to convince you to buy the cat

- ricky goes to find a worker, while you kneel down to talk to the cat—lulu, his profile reads.

- "hey, lulu. hi, pretty baby. i'm going to take you home with me."

- lulu scoots so his tiny face is pressed against the bars of the kennel

- you stick your finger in there and, without hesitation, he rubs his head against it

- you nearly explode as he sticks out his tiny tongue and begins licking you

- ricky comes back, kneeling down next to you

- "hey i talked to a worker. i paid the fee, got the records. he'll be back here to give us lulu soon."

- you're not going to lie, you two did not expect to walk out with a cat today. (well maybe ricky did, but you sure didn't expect it)

- you go to drop lulu off at ricky's place and then run to the nearest pet store to grab cat essentials, treats, and toys

- you two make a little area for lulu in the corner of ricky's bedroom. he has his own little cat bed, which you immediately fell in love with as soon as you saw it; you just knew it had to be lulu's

- there's a couple of old, empty boxes in the storage closet of the hallway, which ricky grabs— one to put the cat toys in (you eventually decorate it, making it look like a little treasure chest), and one for lulu to play around in

- you two definitely already love this cat

- "this is a bigger commitment than 'i love you', ricky." you say as you two snuggle on the couch with lulu's hind end in ricky's lap, and his front end in your lap, the tv playing in the background

- ricky smiles at you, and looking in his eyes you know, even though he hasn't said it to you yet, this was a way for him to say "i love you and i want to be with you for a long time."

- you rest your head on his shoulder as you softly stroke behind lulu's right ear, refocusing your attention on the movie playing on the television

- you two hardly hear the door open and close, the both of you in your own little world, until ricky's dad steps into the room, questioning the both of you, "when did we get a cat?" 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

other notes: i just chose a cat because this was inspired by one of my friend's cat

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other notes: i just chose a cat because this was inspired by one of my friend's cat. i'm so sorry if you're allergic or you don't like them.

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