don't trust me (1)

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series warning: language; mentions of sex/mild smut; ooc characters; cliché

y/f/n: your full name

ricky bowen sits at a round table near the back of the cafeteria surrounded by fellow high tier students, his closest friends since freshman year—ej caswell, nini salazar-roberts, kourtney renee, and kaden dayton.

nini and kourtney are currently discussing their plans to go dress shopping for homecoming, which in in a little less than three weeks. ej and kaden are excitedly conversing about the most recent win of east high's water polo team.

ricky is preoccupied with his own thoughts as he watches a trio of students across the cafeteria take their seats in a booth. said students are redonovich (big red as he's known to most), missy brandt, and y/f/n.

they used to be good friends, ricky bowen and big red. but then ricky got his heart broken and started sleeping around, and red didn't approve. he had tried to help for a while, but eventually gave up and went his own way.

ricky was fine with it, red not being his friend anymore, but that was before. before ricky was put into ap lit with y/n and realized red hung out with her. ricky didn't hate her, in fact he kind of liked her—something that terrified him, especially after the events of christmas break freshman year.

ej shoves ricky's shoulder, snapping ricky out of his thoughts.

"what?" ricky snaps.

"dude, you're drooling."

ricky subconciously wipes at his mouth, rolling his eyes when he realizes there is no drool. "shut up," he mutters.

"anyways," ej hums. he picks up the banana from his tray and begins peeling it, sharing a knowing look with kaden "saw you checking out y/n."

"i wasn't checking her out," ricky scoffs.

he wasn't checking her out, right? he was looking in her direction, yes, but not checking her out.

ej makes a noise, expressing his disbelief. kaden coughs to hide a snort.

"say what you want, amigo. but i saw what i saw, and kaden saw it too," ej says. kaden nods in agreement. "i have a proposition."

ricky quirks a brow as ej reaches into the pocket of his letterman jacket, pulling out his wallet.

"my nana gave me five hundred dollars for my birthday. i'll give you two hundred now, if you can get y/n to agree to go out with you. if you manage to make it last, let's say a month, at least—i'll give you another two hundred."

nini lets out a gentle sigh, slowly shaking her head. kourtney glowers at the boys, unbeknownst to them.


ricky holds out his hand. ej takes it. they shake.


ricky doesn't like the look ej gives him when they drop their hands, but nonetheless, he raises his brow and motions for ej to spit out whatever it is he wants to say.

and ej wastes no time.

"do it now," ej says earnestly. kaden lets out a loud guffaw as ricky rolls his eyes at their friend. "no seriously, i want to watch you do it. i want to make sure you don't wimp out."

"dude, redonovich is with her," ricky explains. as soon as ej made the bet, he'd decided to ask her out in chem, once the dismissal bell rang. neither ej nor red had that class, so he wouldn't have to worry about either of them. "he hates me."

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