The princess and prince is back!

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Sook ja and the maids were gathered making tea for the king and his siblings in the kitchen it was a special day because the younger prince and princess were coming back from a business trip.

"Your so lucky! You get to be with the king more than us! Are you enjoying his presence?" sal ree said.

"Well..It's an honor to serve him for the most part and being around him as well..but im nervous because I never met or heard about his younger sister and brother..and i have to serve them in the's just nerve racking!"

"Yes the princess is very scary you should watch out for her try not to get on her bad side and don't spend so much time like you do with the king because she is going to be suspicious!" sae ron said.

Soon hee laughed. "But the prince is well liked by everyone because he is very kind and he always gives back to the commoners and the low class it's so kind of him honestly."

"How do you guys know so much about the palace and the royals? Even though you haven't been working here very long."

"Well because we did so much research and we set our mind to becoming maids and serving in the palace for a very long time! Just to serve the king and the royals it is the most amazing thing we could do." Sal ree had said.

"She's right anyways enough talking I'm finished here remember when you are serving the tea what you must do. Do not forget your manners okay?" Sae ron said.

"I've got this!" Sook ja said picking up the tray and walking out taking deep breaths before entering the hall room where the the king, the queen dowager,
princess and prince were waiting for the tea.

She walked inside started serving the tea to the king first and the queen and then the princess and prince. "Welcome back my princess and prince. I hope you are doing well on this lovely day" sook ja said nervously pouring the tea serving it to them.

The princess rolled her eyes. "Get out now You are not needed anymore." She said.

Sook ja wanted to say something so bad but kept her respect she hated being disrespected no matter who it was they had no right to be disrespectful even if they are a higher status.

"Aw why do you have to be like that sis. I think she's quite cute and very much needed." The prince said.

Sook ja face became very red after hearing those words. "Thank prince you are too kind..your grace is immeasurable." She said smiling a bit.

"What are you smiling at how dare you smile at the prince?! Do you have a death wish you lowly maid servant. Guards throw her out."

"What is with your behavior? On my order let the maid leave quietly and peacefully. You cannot just be rude to her just because she hasn't done anything wrong so please watch your mouth."

The princess was surprised on how her older brother the king was sticking up for a lowly maid. He never usually does this ever with anyone so why her? She was already suspicious and gonna get to the bottom of it.

"Whatever it's so stuffy here this welcome back is boring I'm leaving." The princess said getting up. She didn't even drink the tea she rudely walked out with this Pout on her face.

The prince smiled at the king. "It's been awhile have you been alright without me or did you miss me?" He said smiling.

"In your dreams. How like outside the borders?"

"Everything seemed fine for the most part also..I'm becoming suspicious of usually never stand up for any of the maids or lower servants..what is that girl to you?" The prince asked.

"Nothing it's not your business. Maid servant come see to it that the princess chambers are ready he might need rest coming back from a long trip."

The prince sighed. "Fine I will find out on my own!" He said folding his arms and walking away.

The queen dowager stared at her son wondering what was on his mind.

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