14: Kenma - Saturday

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After Oikawa and Tendou left, we heard running and figured that something was going on so the probably wouldn't be coming back. So we kept talking.

"So, Mori," Uh oh. The team moms are at each other. "How was he?" Suga asks.

"Better than last time," Yaku responds, deadpan.

"Last time?" Atsumu repeats.

"Yaku what happened in Moscow?" I ask.

"Yeah!" Suga says with a nod of approval.

"Fine," Is he actually going to tell us? "Lev and I bumped into each other in Moscow and we decided that whilst we were both there, it'd make sense to just keep meeting up. It sparked up all of the feelings from high school again and our meet-ups turned into dates. A couple of days before Lev was supposed to return to Japan, we spent the night together in his hotel room,"

People start yelling almost immediately so I quickly cover my ears as they yell things. When it dies down, I uncover my ears and Yaku continues.

"He woke up before me and left to go and order room service which took ages because he had to go and speak to the manager and complain and whilst he was trying to get me breakfast, I saw the empty hotel room, thought he'd ditched me, and left. He got back, saw the empty hotel room and thought I had ditched him. We cleared everything up earlier and uhm... made up for the months we missed."

"So you got laid?" Noya asks.

"Yes," Yaku admits with a blush. Ha. Simp.

"Who's next to get laid, here?" Atsumu asks. Seriously?

"Suga," Noya says with a confident nod.

"I meant who isn't already regularly getting it,"

"You," Suga fires at Atsumu.

"Me? Why?"

"You take showers with your boyfriend and apart from me and Mori, you're the only person here that's actually in a relationship,"

The door suddenly flies open and then shut as Hanamaki runs in and hides behind a sofa.

"Well hello to you too," Suga greets him.

"Shh, I'm trying to set Mad Dog up with Teru so I put pink hair dye in his shampoo and now he's gonna kill me."

"Rest in peace, Hanamaki," I say, "Good job his boyfriend works at a funeral home," Makki flips me off and the door flies open, making him duck down again.

"Has anyone seen Makki?" Kyoutani (I refuse to call him Mad Dog) asks.

The door clicks and locks from the other side. What?

"Have fun twinks!" Mattsun yells. Bitch.

"I'm not a bottom!" Kyoutani yells.

"Sure you aren't," I tease.

"What was that?"

"Oh, please, you followed Makki right into the Twink Convention 2020,"

Everyone just starts laughing and Kyoutani starts to pout.

"Pouting? Oh yeah, you're a bottom," Atsumu teases.

"Pouting doesn't make someone a bottom!

"I thought Toto was your high school captain?"


"He must've been because you're so obsessed with becoming the next Iwaizumi,"

"Well I can't be the next Iwaizumi if I'm a bottom!" This is getting entertaining.

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