Part 1 - I Heard What You Said

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There was a bonfire that night and I was with Newt, Thomas and Chuck and I was playing never have I ever with them.

"Never have I ever, got drunk on Gally's drink". Thomas said holding the yellowy-brown liquid to his lips and taking a gulp, Newt and I both joined him. Chuck laughed. The three of us all pulled a face as the taste of the drink hit the back of our throats.
"Never have I ever fallen out of my hammock" Newt said and the boys all took a sip.
"Really? Seriously! You haven't?" Thomas asked as I shook my head. "What can I say, I have good balance" I giggled.
"OK, never have I ever been put in the pit" I said and all of us drank to that. We all laughed and carried on the game for the rest of night.

It started to get darker and colder so I decided to go to bed.
"I'm going to go to bed" I said to Newt and Thomas, chuck and some of the other gladers had already gone to bed. I went over and said goodnight to Minho and the others before walking to my bed. I had my own little hut by the homestead. The builders had built it for me because I was the only girl and they wanted me to feel comfortable. My hut was only a door away from the boys though.

I got dressed into my clothes for bed and climbed into my hammock. I read my book for a little while as I do every night to help me sleep, but it was too cold so I just decided to try and go to sleep instead. I was really tired and so it didn't take me long to get to sleep.


"Y/N!" someone was gently shaking me awake. I opened my eyes and sat up in my hammock. Chuck was standing next to my hammock with tears running down his face.
"Did you have a nightmare?" I said as he nodded. I stood up and wrapped my arms around him holding him tightly to comfort him. "It's OK" his crying slowly quietened and I could feel he had started to calm down.

"Come on, I'll take you back to bed" Chuck nodded his head and I held my hand out for him and we walked into the homestead. Chuck's hammock was in between Gally's and Winston's against the back wall. We both got into his bed and sat crossed legged facing each other.

"What happened in your nightmare?" there was a scared look in his eyes as I said this.
"Was it the monsters again" I asked him sweetly.
"Yea" he said reluctantly, still looking down.
"Hey, it's OK. Listen" he looked up at me "You are completely safe here. No one or no thing can get you."
"But what if one does get in" he timmedly whispered.
"Chuck, look around. They would have to get through all these boys first" I guestered at the boys. "Thomas and Minho are really fast and they can chase them off, the slicers can chop them up and then fry can cook them" Chuck started to smile. "And they won't even dare go near the builders, Gally's to scary". We both quietly laughed.

"Your gonna be OK" I said climbing out of his hammock. "Try and get some sleep" his eyes flashed with fear again.
"I'm not going, I'll stay here till your asleep OK?" I said softly as I moved out of his hammock. I stood next to him and held his hand and stroked his hair until he started to drift of to sleep. I slowly moved down to floor next to his hammock and sat there holding his hand. It was cold and I was starting to shiver.

"Y/N" someone whipsered next to me. I turned round to see Gally sat up in his hammock.
"What are you doing?" he said in a sleepy voice. I moved closer to him.
"Chuck had a nightmare" I whispered in response. "I have to stay till he's asleep" I said huddling into myself.


Eventually I stood up to check on Chuck. I saw that he was asleep and I gently let go of his hand and placed it back in the hammock with him. I slowly tiptoed away, "Night night Gally" I smiled at him.
"Good night Y/N, and I heard what you said about me" he whispered back to me. I giggled and carried on walking passed the other galders back to my hut. I got back to my hut an hopped into my hammock and went back to sleep.

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