*Part 6 - Oh Shuck Tommy!

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Gally's POV

I walked over to Y/N's hut after I had done some of my morning jobs. I was a little worried as I hadn't seen her all morning. I heard a strange noise as I aproiched her door. It was open a crack so I peeped inside.

Y/N and Thomas were together inside. He had his hands around her waist and hers were on his face. There lips were pushed together as they passionately kissed each other. Thomas moved his hand down to Y/N's butt, he squeezed it making her gasp in pleasure. She moved her hands and started unbuttoning his shirt and he did the same to her. Y/N threw Thomas's shirt somewhere into the room and he did the same. Thomas unbuckled Y/N's belt and slid of her trousers leaving her in just her bra and underwear. He pushed her onto the hammock sucking down her keck earning approving groans from her. He kissed his way down her stomach to her thighs.
"Stop teasing Tommy, I want you now. Please Tommy" Y/N panted.
"Be patient princess, I'm gonna make you fell so good" he smirked up at her.

I moved my head away from the gap in the door but still I managed to here Y/N say "Oh shuck Tommy, just like that. Oh God. Oh. Oh.... I'm gonna..C... "


I jolted awake. Had I dreamted all of that. I looked down at my arm that was draped over Y/N. My body flooded with rage at her, I don't if it was a dream, even the sight of her made me angry. I had loved her for so long and now I hated the sight of her. I pulled my hand back away from her and abrubtly left her room heading back to the homestead.
I lay in my hammock, I couldn't sleep. The thought of Y/N and Thomas was racing around my mind and I hated it.

As soon as it was daylight I went outside. I didn't want to see Y/N. I would avoid her all day if I had to.



I woke up as the morning sun was shining into my hut. My hammock felt bigger than it did the night before. Gally. He wasn't there. I did a quick scan of the hut but I couldn't find him so I guessed he had woken up early and left.

I got dressed and ready for the day. I walked out of my hut and jogged over to Mihno as soon as I saw him.
"Good morning" Mihno said in his cheery voice.
"Morning" I replied.
"You look better this morning, not as tired. Did you sleep better?" he asked. I nodded as we walked to get breakfast.

I looked out for Gally but hadn't seen him yet. Oh well, he was proberly just off with some of the other builders. I sat down in my usual place with mihno, Thomas and Newt.

I noticed Gally sit down at his usual table after a few minutes. I smiled at him but he didn't smile back. I gave him a little wave but he gave me an angry look in return before looking away. If looks could kill I would be out cold by now. I was really confused but I brushed it off.

"Hey Y/N" Thomas said. I scooted towards him.
"What's up with Gally?" he asked.
"What do you mean?" I asked looking back over at Gally.
"He keeps giving us evils" Thomas said making me laugh. I looked back over at Gally who had pushed his plate over and stormed away from the table.
"We gotta go Y/N" Mihno said.
"OK, be safe" I said to Mihno and Thomas as they started jogging towards the maze. I couldn't really focus on saying goodbye.
What was Gally so pissed about?

I decided to confront him. After first stopping in the medhut to check there were no jobs to do I walked over to were Gally was working.

"Hey Gally, is everything OK?" I asked. He didn't even acknowledge that I was there.
"Gally?" I asked, still no response.
"Gally, why are you ignoring me?" my voice had hints of anger in it now.
"Leave!" Gally hissed.
"Huh?" why was he telling me to go.
"Just leave Y/N" I could here the anger in his voice.
"Why?" I went to tap him in the shoulder as he still wasn't looking at me.
"Leave me alone" his voice was louder and more powerful now.
"Why are you being such a dick Gally?" I asked back.
"What did you just say to me?" he looked me dead in the eye now.
"I said, why are you being such a dick?" I replied trying desperately to hold his ice cold eye contact.
"Pit, now!" he spat moving closer to my face.
"You can't do that" I said in shock that he would try and send me to the pit.
"Actaully I can, I am your superior and I can and will send you to the pit!" his voice was nearly a shout now and some of the other builders had heard him and were now watching intently.
"Pit!" he pointed his arm in the pits direction.
"No!" I said firmly.
"I said Pit! Now!" he moved closer to my face.
"And I said no!" I raised my voice at him. Why was he being like this?

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