Part 5 - Oh boy!

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"What is wrong with you, I told you not to do any work today!" I said to Winston as I wrapped yet another bandage around his hand.
He laughed before getting up to walk out the door.
"Don't do anymore work!" I shouted out to him.
"I won't, don't worry" he called back to me.

I cleaned away the medical things I used and washed my hands. It was getting darker and there was going to be a bonfire tonight.

I walked over to the maze doors, Minho should be back soon. I sat down on the grass and started picking daisys and making them into a chain. I looked up every so often until I saw Minho. I stood up, he smirked at me and then started sprinting. I knew what he was going to do.

"Oh boy!" I said bracing myself. He does this alot, he sprints towards me and doesn't stop, flantening me.
"OW! MINHO!" I yelled as I was crushed under his weight.

He laughed as he stood up and brushed the dirt off himself. He then grabbed my wrist to help me off the floor.
"Minho, no, no, no, no, no! Stop" I yelped.
"I'm so sorry Y/N. I forgot. Are you OK? Oh my God, I'm really sorry" his face was scared and panicked. He hugged me.
"It's fine" I said trying to smile up at him.
"Hang on".

He ran to the medhut whilst I waited for him and he brought me some ice for my wrists. He smiled down at me and we went off to get dinner together.

We both were unawhere that Gally had been watching the whole time. Wondering what was going on. I had been checking on Gally throughout the rest of the day. He had been quiet, even quieter than he was earlier.

I ate dinner with Minho and the others before they lit the bonfire.
Thomas, Newt, Minho and me all played games till it was darker. It started to get cold and the boys conversations were boring, so I decided to check on Gally.

I walked over and sat down beside him. I saw his expression lighten a little as I sat down. I sat there for a while talking to the other builders, but I hadn't spoken to Gally yet. But he was very happy that I was with him.

After a while I whispered to Gally "let's go for a walk". He nodded and stood up, everyone else was pretty much drunk at this point. That's what usually happens, I couldn't really drink as much though as I often had to help the people that were.

Gally and I cautiously walked into the deadheads in silence. Once we were there we began to walk more normally, I slipped my hand into his. He held my hand firmly and I didn't want him to let go.

"Your still scared, aren't you?" I asked Gally as I looked over at him. He nodded, not looking at me.
"Why?" I asked softly.
"I've had it before, lots of times", he turned to me, "and everytime I wake up from it I'm still left with the fear that it will happen again".

"Stay with me, if you have a nightmare I'll be there for you and, it's cold" I said innocently. He laughed at me, and nodded his head.


"So, I'll go to bed as normal and then come in after everyone has gone to sleep" he said as we were almost back at the homestead. We parted ways for a while.

I went to my hut and started to get ready for bed. I put my pajamas on and sat on the floor. I got bored waiting for Gally so I untied my hair and started brushing it.

"Helloooo" Gally said walking towards my hammock and perching on the edge. I smiled over at him. I saw him lying down in my hammock and walked over and layed next to him facing away from him. He put his arm over me and loosly spooned me.

"Y/N, can I ask you a question" Gally whispered into my hair. I turned around so I was looking directly at him, our faces where inches apart.
"Of course Gally, is something bothering you?" I answered a little concerned.
"Kinda" he answered looking into my eyes. "What are those marks on your wrists" Gally said softly. I broke the eye contact and looked down.

"Well they are rope burns, I don't exactly know what from or how I have them but I have ever since I came to the glade. When I came up in the box my hands were bound to the metal of the walls. I couldn't remember why but I was stuck. When I was let out the box they took my to the medhut and the Medjack at the time told me that some of the burns were old. It must have been them." I didn't need to specify, Gally knew who 'them' was.

"Do they hurt?" Gally asked.
"Not really, it's like a bruise. It hurts if someone bashes it or isn't gentle but apart form that it's fine" I looked back into Gally's eyes. They were kind and friendly. The two of us slowly drifted of to sleep.

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