Part 3 - My own personal Teddy bare

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It was really cold that night and I was finding it difficult to stay asleep. I heard rustling behind me and the sounds of the door closing.

I woke up and worriedly looked around my hut. In a panic, I looked back at the door and saw Gally standing by it shaking. He was covered in sweat, he looked terrified.

"Gally? Are you OK?" I was worried for him. I slowly sat up in my hammock as Gally ran over to me and threw his arms around me. He enveloped me in a hug and I returned the hug. He put his nose in the crook of my kneck. I could feel he was sweaty, but his shaking was steadying from my touch.

I tried to pull away from him so I could see how he was but he wouldn't let go.
"Please don't let go" he whispered to me trying to keep his voice steady.
"I won't. I'm right here" I replied squeezing him tighter. I hated seeing him like this.

He kept his hands wrapped round me while I moved mine and held the top of his arms and pulled him down towards me so he was sitting on the hammock. His breathing was still very heavy. I laid back down in my hammock and he laid next to me putting some of his body onto me. He draped his arm over my stomach holding me like a pillow into him. He then rested his head on my chest just under my chin and snuggled into me.

I placed my arm around his back and held him close. His breathing was still quite heavy. I rubbed circles on his back before moving my hand up to play with his hair. His breathing normalised and he sunk into me as his body relaxed. Having his strong body around me holding me tight made me feel calm.

"Gally, what happened?" I whispered to him. He didn't answer me but he just pulled me closer into him.
"Did you have a nightmare?" I asked concerned. He nodded his head shamefully. I squeezed him tightly "It's OK Gally, your safe with me, do you wanna talk about it?" he shook his lightly in response. He snuggled back into me.

I laid there for a while as I stroked his hair. I began to feel really tired so I kissed the top of his head making him smile.

I felt so protected by Gally. His tight grip around me was holding me into him and I liked it.

I made sure Gally was asleep before I gave in to me tiredness. He kept his clutch strong throughout the rest of the night not daring to move or let me go. I cuddle with him close like he was my own personal Teddy bare. His hair felt soft to touch as I ran my finger tips over it. His warm body against mine made me smile as I drifted of to sleep.

(Gally X Reader) Gally - Love, Nightmares and Tiger stripesWhere stories live. Discover now