Part 8 - Ok nosey

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I was glad me and Gally were OK again. I was still very confused about what happened but I thought it would be better just to drop it at this point. We were fine, that was the main thing.

It was the next day now and I had had breakfast with Mihno and already headed to work. Another day of nothing to do. Sometimes my job could be tideously boring.

Then Gally walked through the door and flopped down on one of the beds.
"Er, can I help you?" I chuckled at him who looked very relaxed.
"I'm bored" he replied giving me puppy dog eyes.
"Seriously work only started 5 minutes ago, you can't be bored already. Leave me alone!" I giggled pushing his legs of the bed so I could sit down.
"I know but you said I couldn't do any work, so really this is your fault" he said giving me a mischievous glare. God I loved that glare.

"Well I have work to do" I said standing up attempting to walk away.
"No you don't" Gally grabbed my arm (gently) and pulled me back towards him. He was now sat up on the bed looking at me.
"Yes I do" I smiled.
"Nope, you have Shuck all to do" he looked at me hopefully.
"Language! I could throw you in the pit for that" I joked.

(Because I was the only girl and Medjack, but mainly girl, I could throw anyone in the pit. Even Newt if I really wanted to but who would through Newt in the pit. I have used this to my advantage a couple of times when some of the newer gladers at the time had made some inappropriate passes at me. But my friends always stepped in to help.)

"Oh yea" Gally said.
"Yea" I said back.
"Throw me in the pit then" he laughed, knowing I'd never do it.
"I'm not gonna throw you in the pit, I don't know if you'd cope in there" I teased.
Gally protended to be hurt "Excuse me, I can cope with anything".
I laughed at his false statment.
"I could"
I laughed again.

I got on with some cleaning in the medhut.
"Gally" I turned to him.
"Why don't you have a boyfriend" he asked as if it was a normal question.
"Why don't you have a boyfriend?" he asked again.
"Gally, I heard the question I just don't get it" I said very confused.

"Well it's just I don't understand why a girl as pretty and as kind as you doesn't have a boyfriend. This glade is full boys but yet... No boyfriend. Do you not want one?" he smiled inquisitively.
"Ok nosey, it's not that I don't want one, I don't think any of them want me" I looked away.
(Knowing that he was the one I wanted)
"Well thats a load of shit" he said.
"They are all idiots anyway" I said looking back at him.
"How?" Gally asked.
"Well, they wouldn't really like me, they'd just want sex or something like that" I said.
"That's not true" Gally said.
"Yea it is, and they would never want to show any affection in front of anyone else. It wouldn't be worth it" I said back.

Gally got up and walked over to me. "Yes it would" he was now stood right in front of me and his chest was barely inches away from my face. I could see his chest rising and falling as he breathed. His muscular body acted as a shield towards the outside world.

"No it wouldn't Gally" I pushed him out my way and walked to the other side of the room not making eye contact once "It's not worth it".
"Anythings worth it if it would make you happy" he walked over to me again. I looked into his eyes. He then slowly leaned down down and touched his lips to mine. His hands snaked around my waist and I sunk into the kiss.

Suddenly I pulled away, realising what had happened.
"I'm sorry, I er, have to go" I moved passed him towards the door.


Gally's POV

"Y/N wait!" I called after her. What had I done. Why did I kiss her! I'm so stupid. I punched the wall with my bad hand and immediately regretted it. "Ah Shuck!" I yelled out. She'd never like me now.



I ran out of the medhut into the glade. I ran to the watch tower and climbed to the top. What the shuck just happened! Did I just kiss Gally? Why did I run away? Why was it good? Does gally like me?

So many questions ran through my mind and I didn't know what to do. I felt so stupid, why did I run away. Gally probably felt really weird now. Oh no, Gally. He would never like me now. What am I gonna do now. He'll never want to speak to me again. The boy of my dreams kissing me and I go running.


Gally's POV

It was now hours since I had last seen Y/N. That kiss was amazing but I was so confused and now I couldn't find her. She hadn't shown up for lunch or dinner. I hope I haven't freaked her out to much, I don't want her to hate me.

It was night time now and I was lying in my hammock the whole day playing it over and over again in my head. I needed to talk to her.

I crept out passed the other gladers beds and towards Y/N's door. I opened it and she locked eyes with me immediately. She was sat up in her bed clearly she couldn't sleep either.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry I kissed you, please can we just protend it never happened" I pleaded.
"Gally I... "
"I know, I know, I messed. But please can we just forget about it" I was desperate at this point.
"Ok" Y/N said and weekly smiled at me.

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