Part 10 - She had a gun

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I was sprinting down a path in the maze with a griever right behind me. Mihno and I had been cornered by one and we were running for our lives.

I heard an ear-piercing scream from round the next corner. It was Gally. There was two ways to turn up ahead. Mihno went left and I turned right and I was confronted by a blonde lady wearing white holding a gun and pointing it at Gally. He had his back up against the wall and his hands in the air. He looked terrified.

"3....2...." the lady started counting down. Gally looked at me, his eyes coated in fear.
"No! No!" I cried bolting towards Gally. Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around my waist lifting of the ground and covered my mouth.
"Don't struggle Y/N" a firm, familiar voice said. It was Thomas.

A single gunshot echoed around the walls of the maze. I screamed with Thomas's hand covering my mouth. I struggled in his arms but his grip was strong and I was stuck.

Gally was slumped on the floor. Hazel eyes cold and unseeing. Blood was pooling around his head. It wasn't true. He couldn't be dead.

"Bring her Thomas, I have something in mind for her" the lady in white said. I recognised her voice but it was hazy and I couldn't quite place it. I tried to break free again loosening Thomas's grip but not enough.

"She's going to escape" Thomas said grasping at my wrists to hold me still. The women walked over and stood in front of me holding a rope.
"Y/N, you know all to well what we do to people who are difficult" the lady said securing my hands tightly with the rope......


Gally's POV

I jolted awake to see Y/N sweating and breathing quickly.
"No!" she screamed under her breath.

"Y/N! Y/N! Wake up, it's OK" I shuck her awake. She gasped in fear before realising she had been dreaming. Tears streamed down her face and she was shaking in fear.

I wrapped my arms around her tightly.
"What happened?" I asked as calmly as I could (I was pretty panicked to be honest).
"She had a gun and she..." she said between breaths, looking at me a tear ran down her cheek. I wiped it away with my thumb.
"I'm here, it's ok, I've got you" I assured her.

I pulled her into me and rested her head on my chest. I held her close. I stroked her hair to help her breathing slow down and cuddled her into me. She was calming down but I was worried.


"Hey Mihno, can I talk to you for a second?"
"Sure Gally, what's up?"

It was now the next morning. Y/N had been really quiet, she seemed terrified from the night before and I didn't know what to do so I thought I should tell Mihno as he was her bestfriend.

"Erm... Last night I heard Y/N scream from her hut. I think she might have had a nightmare or something. I've asked her if she's ok and she said she was but she didn't seem it at all" I told him. His face turned pale and he looked really scared suddenly.
"I didn't know what to do so I thought I should tell you" I added.
"Yes, thank you. I need to talk to her" he said before running off to find Y/N.



"There you are, I've nearly run the whole galde to find you" Mihno said jogging over to me.
I was sat under a big tree near the homestead.
"Sorry" I said squinting at him.

He sat down and shuffled right up so he was next me.
"Is there anything you want to tell me" Mihno asked.
"Nope, I'm ok" I said bluntly.
"Are you sure?" he pushed.
"Are you sure you didn't have a nightmare last night?"

I sighed, "How did you know?".
"Gally, he said he heard you scream from the homestead. He seemed pretty worried" Mihno said putting his hand on my knee.
"What happened?" he asked. I said nothing.
"Was it a really bad one?"
I nodded, "the worst one yet".
"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked.
"Not at all" I said quietly.
"Ok, you know you talk to me about anything though" he said squeezing my hand.
"I know" I forced a smile at him.

"I have to go running, are you gonna be ok?" he said standing up. I nodded at him.
I watched him run away with the other runners.

Gally was worried about me. That was nice of him. I felt bad though.


Gally's POV

I had been thinking about Y/N all morning. I kept thinking about last night. Not just her nightmare but the evening before.

Y/N was amazing. She helped everyone last night. Even after the whole thing with Ben she just kept going. She helped her friends when they were drunk and made sure they were Ok.

I couldn't do this anymore, I love Y/N and I wanted her to know that. I wanted to tell her.

It had been chucking it down since lunch time and everyone had tried to stay inside. Y/N had been made to go get some fire wood.

She ran outside into the rain.
"Y/N wait" I called after her.
"Gally I can't stop or I'm gonna be drenched" she smiled running towards the deadheads.

I ran out after her.
"Y/N wait" I called again.
"Gally I can't, it's chucking it down and..."
"Y/N I love you"
She stopped dead in her tracks.

"What?" she turned around and looked at me utterly baffled.
"I'm in love with you Y/N" I said again.
"What?... How?... Why?" she stuttered.
"Y/N, your the most beautiful person I have ever seen. You are so unbelievably kind, you are always sacrafising yourself to help others. And you so funny, you always make me laugh. I love you" I said locking eyes with her.

She stayed silent for a long minute. The rain had drench dour clothes. "But... I..."
"I know, I know. You didn't want a boyfriend because you said they would just use you. I promise you Y/N, I would never do that to you. I'll hold you hand all day long. I'll cuddled you whenever, wherever you want. I'll comfort you everytime you have a nightmare. I would never use you Y/N!" I said, meaning every word.

Y/N just looked at me "I..."


"You're in love with me?" she questioned slowly.
"Yes" I said looking her in the eye.
"You're in love, with me?"
"Can you just give me a second to..."

But before she could finish what she was about to say she ran up to me, wrapped her legs around my waist. Her lips collided with mine and they interlocked in a passionate kiss. Her hands held around my neck and my hands cupped her thighs holding her as close to me as possible. I didn't want this moment to end, ever.

She pulled away from me.
"Wow" I said "we have to do that again. Please"
She giggled at me and reconnected our lips for one more kiss.

She pulled away again.
"Nooo" I groaned.
"What" she giggled.
"Keep kissing me, please" I pleaded.
"I can't, I need to get the fire wood" she smiled.

To be continued...

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