Part 9 - Gee thanks Gally

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It was early the next morning and I had fallen asleep with Gally's strong arms wrapped around me. We were face to face and I watched his chest rise and fall as he breathed sound asleep. I couldn't help smiling just from looking at him. The kiss was confusing. I kept asking myself why he kissed me. I didn't know what to think.

I saw him shuffle slightly and I knew he was about to wake up. I protended to be asleep so he didn't know I had been watching him.

"Y/N" He whispered. I sleepily groaned in response.
"Y/N" He whispered again.
Tonight was the bonfire and everyone was excited.

I 'woke up' and his Hazel eyes locked with mine.
"Morning" he croaked. His morning voice was deep and soothing. I smiled back.
"Come on, get up" he sprung out of my hammock encouraging me to do the same. I stayed put and just stared at him.
"Come on" he smiled.

I yawned and stretched out across my hammock. I only slept in underwear and an old T-shirt of Mihno's and when I stretched it slid up showing my high thigh.
"What's that?" Gally asked pointing at my thigh.
"Nothing" I quickly pulled down my shirt covering my stretch marks that he was now asking about.
"Y/N, what is it?" he said moving towards me. My face turned Ruby red and I held my shirt firmly in place.
"Show me" he smiled holding the bottom of my t-shirt looking up at me for permission. I looked away from him.
"Hey" he said sweetly "Y/N, I'm not going to judge".

I reluctantly moved my hands and showed him the marks. He looked at them as if they fascinated him. He gently trased his fingers over them. I still hadn't looked at him. I hated that he was looking at them. I hated them.

"Why were you hiding these?" he asked softly.
"Because I hate them, they are horrible" I said looking at him.
"No, they are part of you. They are beautiful" he smiled and stroked his finger over them again "you shouldn't feel like you have to hide them".

"Look" he stood up and turned around. I watched him confused. He pulled of his shirt and showed me his back.
"I have some too, I call them my tiger stripes" he said making me giggle. They did look like tiger stripes.


The bonfire was now in full swing. I loved bonfire night, everyone in the glade did. They were about to light the bonfire and I went to sit next Gally.

"Are you drinking tonight Y/N?" he asked pointing at his special drink.
"As tempting as that looks, no I'm not. Are you?" I said back.
"Nah, already drank to much while making it" he chuckled and I laughed at him.


A few hours had passed and I hadn't seen Gally in a while. It was that time of night where everyone was drunk and it was getting late. I took it upon myself to look after the boys when they were drunk. At this time it wasn't always a nice job.

"Y/N" Ben walked over to me. He was clearly drunk as he couldn't really walk in a straight line. I didn't like where this was going so walked the homestead to get away.

He kept walking towards me and pushed me up against the wall pinning me there.
"Get off!" I cried out.

"Ben what are you doing?" Albi shouted and Gally pushed him off of me.
"What the hell do you think you're doing Ben!" Gally ordered.
"Y/N are you ok? Gally take him to the pit!" Gally did as Albi asked dragging Ben behind him.
"Sorry Y/N, he will be punished. Are you OK though?" Albi asked again.
"Yep I'm fine" I said. This had happened a couple of times when the gladers were drunk. I'm just glad Gally and Albi had been there.


"Hey Y/N!" Newt was drunk and also sat right next to me.
"Y/N come have a drink with us" Thomas was drunk to.
"Y/N..." Mihno was very drunk and fell over making me laugh.

"Ok, bed time for all three of you" I smiled.
"Nooo" they all wined in unison.
"Come on, Thomas, Newt!" I linked my arms with them and took them to their beds in the homestead. I said goodnight and left them to find Mihno who was exactly where I left him (on the floor).

"Come on Mihno get up" I pulled him o to his feet and held an arm around his waist while he plonked his on my shoulder.
"Please can I stay up a bit longer, I want to watch the fighting" he pleaded.
"Alright then, just this once" he smiled at me.

I sat him down next to some of the runners, he would take himself to bed within 5 minutes.


Gally's POV

I hadn't spoken to Y/N since I threw Ben in the pit and I hoped she was Ok. I had seen her helping the boys. It was so sweet and I loved seeing her laugh at them. She was so kind to everyone, what would we do without her. What would I do without her?

I saw her take Mihno over to the runners and she headed in my direction.
"Hi" I smiled at her.
"Hiya, no fighting tonight then?" she joked.
"Did some earlier, are you Ok?" I asked her.
"Yea, I'm ok" she replied.
"You don't look it"
"Gee thanks Gally"
I chuckled "that's not what I ment".
"I know, I'm only teasing. I'm just tired" she sighed.
"Why don't you go to bed?" I suggested sweetly.
"I have to make sure Mihno is ok first" she replied.

She rested her head on my shoulder. I let her relax and watched the boys.
I saw Mihno stand up and walk to the homestead.
"Y/N, Mihno's gone to bed. Y/N..." I looked down to see her fast asleep on my shoulder.

I stood up carefully and scooped her up. I carried her back to her hut while she slept my arms. She looked so pretty.

I put her down in her hammock and took of her jacket and shoes. I did the same and got in next to her, I didn't want her to wake up in the night and be confused about where she was. I wrapped my arm around her and fell asleep.

(Gally X Reader) Gally - Love, Nightmares and Tiger stripesWhere stories live. Discover now