Part 4 - Bloody shank cut his hand open again!

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I woke up a little earlier the next morning with Gally's arms still tightly wrapped around me.
"Gally" I whispered to him. I saw him crumple up his nose before burying his head into my neck.

This was like a dream but I was a little uncomfortable and I wanted to get up.
I stayed there for a few more minutes, stroking Gally's hair while the two of us properly woke up. I tried to get up again and Gally sighed heavily but got up and went back to the homestead, leaving me alone in my hut.

I got dressed and went outside to see Minho, I had planned on spending breakfast with him because I hadn't seen him properly in ages. I laced up my boots and headed to the glade where I saw Minho sat in our usual spot waiting for me.

"Hey" Minho said and patted the ground next to him guestering for me to sit down. I sat down and put my head on his shoulder, I was a little sleep deprived from the last few nights.

"Why are you so tired?" he asked me "Are you having the nightmares again?"
It had been a while since I had had a nightmare, I had kind of forgotten about them.
"No, it's just been cold these past few nights" I said trying not to yawn.
"Just wear that old hoodie I gave you" he reasoned.
"I would but it smells of you" I said pulling a disgusted face at Minho.
"Oh yea. And what's so wrong with that" he said pulling a funny face.
"You stink" I replied laughing slightly. He joking punched me on the arm and I punched him back.

I sat with Mihno during breakfast and we both talked for ages. The two got on so well but Minho was often busy so we made fun of any time we got. Thomas and Newt later joined us for breakfast, as they were talking I looked over at Gally. He looked scared.

"I've got to go" Mihno said to me standing up and signaling to the other runners that it was time to leave. "Bye" I said to him as I watched him go. I stood up aswell and decided to go to work a little earlier that day.

I headed to the medhut, I had nothing to do that day unless someone got injured. Then, almost right on queue, Fry walked over to me. He had cut his finger while cooking and needed a plaster. I got him all bandaged up and talked to him for a while before he went back to work.

I decided to go for a walk and I thought I could see how Gally was doing. I walked passed the builders and looked around for Gally.

I saw him off towards the side and looking down at the ground. His sleeves were pulled down and covering his hand as opposed to them being rolled up like they usual were. Something about him felt different today. He looked 'cold'.

I walked over to Gally to ask him how he was.
"Hey" I tugged at his sleeve "Are you OK?" he said, turning to face me.
I giggled, "yea I'm fine, I was going to ask you that. You seem worried" I replied.

"Gally, we need your help!" a builder called to Gally.
"Sorry, I have to..." he ran over to them leaving you.
"It's fi..." he'd already gone. I felt a little sad that he had left me without answering my question.

"Y/N! HELP!" a slicer was shouting you. Ugh! Not this again I thought.
"I cut my hand open!" Winston yelled.
"I'm coming!" I jogged over to the slicers. Winston had cut his hand. I went to fix it.


When I had fixed Winston I took another walk. I climbed to the lookout tower and sat down letting my legs dangle of the edge. I was deep in thought and I let myself relax. I had felt a little strange since Minho brought up the nightmares.

"Y/N" Gally poked his head through the trap door.
"Oh, hi" I said standing up and moving away from the edge of the tower. I didn't look at him directly, it felt awkward for some reason.
"Are you OK?" he scratched his head. I nodded still looking away. He grabbed my shoulders and spun me round to face him. His grip was tight and strong, I wouldn't have been able to escape if I tried, yet it was gentle and I felt safe.

"Hey, are you OK? Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked looking into his eyes he looked sad.
"Erm, yea" he looked down at me. "Can we go somewhere else" I nodded at him and followed after.

He lead me to my hut and I looked at him confused as I went inside. I turned around to shut the door and when I looked back Gally was layed in my hammock. I laughed at him and he smiled at me.

"Why here?" I asked sitting on the edge of my hammock facing him.
"I felt safe here last night"
He said looking straight at me. My heart melted. I loved that he felt safe here. I did wonder whether it was because it was a private hut, or because of me. I hoped it was me.

"Well get in then" he laughed.
I swung my legs into the hammock. I put my head on his chest and my arm was draped over his body.
I giggled to myself "I can here your heartbeat".
"Well that's good news, it means I'm still alive" we both chuckled. He put his strong arms around me holding me tight. My heart did a mini somersault inside.

"Gally, do you want to talk about it" I said not looking up.

"I was trapped" he started quietly, his voice was soft and caring. "In the maze" he continued. "There were six paths to take, we heard noises. Grievers. They were coming for us" you felt his heart rate jolt up as he was talking.
"Whose 'us'. In the maze with you?" I asked him.
"Winston, Newt, Thomas, Minho, Chuck and you. I was there too, you were all stood in front of a different path. The Grievers were getting closer.... They took Winston, then Newt, then Thomas, then Minho and Chuck then..." he paused and squeezed me in his arms. His pace slowed down.
"Then they took you" he whispered in an uneasy voice.

"Did you wake up then?" I asked looking up at him. He shook his head.
"I could hear another Griever coming, this time for me. I could hear all of you calling for each other. Then, each voice suddenly stopped. In the same order that you were taken, until all I could here were your screams and I did nothing."

I sat up and looked him in the eye. "Gally their was nothing you could do" I reassured him.
"I could have gone after you, tried something at least" he looked more anxious with every word he said.
"It was a dream, there nothing you could do" I said to him.

I could see the terror in his eyes building. His body was hot, I was watching as the fear began to wash over him again. His breathing was quickening.

"Y/N! We need you!" Thomas called to me from outside.
"Bloody shank cut his hand open again!" Newt chipped in. Winston yelled in pain.

I got out of my hammock and Gally sat up.
"I'm so sorry Gally" I headed towards my door. He smiled back at me.

"Y/N! Please help!" Winston cried out again.
"I'm coming!" I ran out the door quickly.

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