Part 7 - Excuse me, I just cleaned that

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"Your eyes look really red and puffy" Mihno said "have you been crying?" it was now the next morning and Mihno and I were eating breakfast.
"No, it's just hay-fever" I replied shortly.
"Ok" he said disbelievingly.
"Oh just go running already" I said making him laugh.
Mihno did as he was told though and got the other runners.

My plan for today was to just avoid Gally as best I could all day. I had seen him have his breakfast but I tried not to pay attention to him.

I went to the medhut. I didn't have anything to do but I figured I could hide there. I quickly got bored though so I started to re-arange the bandage draw.

It had been a couple of hours when I heard a knock at the door. I turned around and Gally was stood in the doorway clutching his left hand.
Why. Why Gally. Seriously.

I had to treat him like any other patient which was going to be hard.
"Gally, what can I do for you" I said through gritted teeth.
"Erm, I bashed my hand with the hammer" he said guestering to his hand.
"Ok come and sit on the bed and I'll have a look at it". He did as I asked and I got him and ice pack for his hand.

"Ok, what exactly happened" I asked sitting down on the next bed facing him.
"I was fixing the door to the homestead and instead of hitting the nail with the hammer I hit my hand" he said trying to make eye contact with me.
"Can I have a look" I asked, he nodded holding his hand out towards me. I prodded and poked it as gently as possible trying to determine the seriousness of the injury.
"Agh" he winced.
"Sorry" I pulled my hands away.

I stood up to get a bandage. "Well good news, it's not broken but you can't work with it for a couple of days" I walked back over to him. He gave me his hand as I wrapped it up carefully.

"Y/N, I am sorry" Gally said.
I looked him in the eye. "I know, it's OK. I shouldn't have called you a dick" I replied.
"I was being one, but does that mean we are good?" he asked.
"Yea" I said surely "we're good". He jumped up and hugged me. I giggled at him, I had missed Gally.


It was afternoon now and I went back to the medhut alone.
"Y/N" Chuck poked his head round the door.
"Hey Chuck, come in" I smiled at him.

Chuck and I met up roughly once a week in the medhut to play games. Chuck would come when he was free or when there wasn't alot of work for me that day.
Over his visits, the two of us had crafted different games out of medical supplies or random things people wouldn't miss from around the glade.

"Can we play noughts and crosses today?" Chuck asked.
"Sure, you get the rock, I'll get the chalk" I said moving towards a draw right in the corner of the room. It's where we kept all the games or toys me and chuck played with. I pulled out some charcole and Chuck brought a big, flat rock and the two of us sat on the floor.

"Hey, it's not your go!" I laughed at Chuck who was cheating.
I heard a knock at the door before a tall muscular figure walked in and slumped on the bed.

"Gally, what are you doing here?" I asked him.
"What else I am supposed to do?" he gave me a cheeky smile.
"Anyway, what are you two doing?" he smiled.
"We are playing noughts and crosses" Chuck said showing Gally the rock in which clearly showed he was loosing.

"Looks fun but I have a much better idea" Gally stood up walked over to a draw and started fumbling around for something.
"Excuse me, I just cleaned that" I joked making Chuck laugh.
"Ah ha" he pulled out rolls and rolls of bandages.
"Bandages, what are we gonna do with them" I asked looking at Gally confused.

"This game is called mummy. Each player has 30 seconds to rap another player in bandages as best they can. Whoever does the best job wins. OK, who wants to be the mummy?" Gally said. I looked at the boys and neither of them seemed very keen to be the mummy so I volunteered.

"Ok Chuck you go first, wait, remember don't wrap her nose or mouth" Gally said looking at the clock. "Go!"
Chuck began to speedily wrap me with the bandage. He mainly wrapped my stomach and my arms before he ran out of time.
"That's hard to do it that fast" Chuck chuckled out of breath.
"Good job Chuck, looks pretty good" I said admiring his skills.

"Gally you go next, ready?" he nodded at Chuck. "Go".
Gally was fast. Within seconds he had already wrapped my stomach and chest and was quickly finishing my arms.
"10 seconds" Chuck called and Gally quickly move do to my legs. Swirling the badages around them.
Gally and Chuck both stared at me for a second.
"Gally, you definitely won this one" Chuck said happily admitting defeat. Gally gave him a high five.

"(cough cough) I hate to ruin the magical moment but can someone unwrap me please" I giggled and they both helped me out of the bandages. I rolled them up and put them away before heading to dinner.
Today was fun.

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