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When you're talking to yourself and nobody's home
You can fool yourself, you came in this world alone.~


'It's fall once again, days go on so fast, just like years, everything is like a terrible routine no fun or amusement anymore like how things were years ago'

Janna thought to herself, A young lady almost in her mid twenties, she always thought her life would be like a jolly summer weather. Calm and beautiful.
Moving out with her boyfriend seemed like a good idea back then little did she know how her life would completely change.

Life with what she likes to call 'my babe' was very calm if not a bit callous.

A scary routine it was starting to get, Liam likes coming home to a nice dinner. Doesn't talk anymore like he used to, barely smiles unless it's to TV or his phone. Everything including her lately he does so impatiently like she's getting on his nerves, and she was starting to see that.

Most of time Janna felt like she was stuck, she loved him a bit too much she dropped out from university to move in with him across the country thinking he'd marry her and start a family as he promised, little poor Janna knew that he never asked or even hinted for a possible marriage it was her heart all along, she wanted the stupid fairytale so bad, but she was no princess.

She kept waiting and hinting and he kept acting like she was speaking gibberish.

What kept her with him is that he was faithful, until she started finding receipts of gifts he never bought her. Women perfume and so much more. But she knew she couldn't confront him, where would she go, she has no job. It was her own stupidity and naivety that got her stuck.

She was aware she had to plan her exist by saving money, her friend Natalie always told her that she's naïve. Living with a boyfriend and depending on him completely was never a smart option, she miserably finally admitted that she was stupid just like her parents told her when she left to be with him.

Never thought about saving money or even just going to college instead of finishing university but it was too late, she can only save as much money to move out.

• • •

It was a rainy night, once again Janna was home alone. Liam didn't stay home much for the last couple months always unavailable never answering his phone, and she found herself quite happy by his wanted absence, nobody yelling at her whenever they were mad, no abusing her body to get off.

After a nice healthy dinner, she took a quick shower, brushed her curly locks and went to bed.

Janna woke up to an unknown noise downstairs, it was midnight and she was a very light sleeper. She heard whispering, she thought to herself is it Liam coming home. Whys he talking to himself.

She gasped at the thought of her seven years man bringing another woman to her home.

She left her bed in a hurry, wore her robe and was ready to go kill both of them, Janna opened the door to find a gloved hand moving to her mouth, a very strong smelling cloth covered her mouth. She fought for a bit before closing her eyes to the sight of multiple men in her boyfriend's apartment.

Hey everyone this is my first novel here.
I know this first chapter is a bit dull, but wait for itttt 🫣

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