The brotherhood.

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I'm a brand new sky
To hang the stars upon tonight~


It was said before that sometimes doing evil requires you to have the angelic patience.

Embracing the dark side of him from a young age was never his curse more like his greatest gift, he was a villain to most and a boss to the rest. He lived his life with no second guesses motivated by his past, a past he can never deny. His past was his presence and his future is the promise ring to his past.

Czar the lone wolf, with his edgy look stood looking at the famous church of the saviour on the spilled blood, the memory of the Emperor Alexander II built by his son the emperor Alexander III.
The exquisite historical church in front of him and his ready to spill blood men behind him, men that were waiting for him to share his plans for their first move for their upcoming war. A war they don't know many things about, and here they were in the highest level on his five star hotel waiting for the emperor of  the Russian underworld, they looked up to him and feared him like hell.

He took a much needed smoke and walked to his chair. Like a true king he sat looking everyone in the face, from his Consigliere, underboss to his capos and finally the seven ghosts of his standing in the room bored.

With his baritone voice he demanded respect, each one of his men waited patiently to hear his next words. They all longed for wars, wars he was known to start, wars all his men licked their lips just thinking about the amount of blood they'll spell. To get Russia under his realm hundreds of men got killed and thousands of men joined him just because he was stronger, wicked and cruel.

He spoke and everyone watched him like the king of the Underworld he was.

"I want a file of every person entring Russia that draws some type of suspicion to themselves. Every single damn person"

Czar looked everyone in the eyes as he continued

"They do not know yet that we were the one who took the boy, they don't know Elvin has him, we have the upper hand and we'll have it always"

He glanced at his right, Alexei his most trusted man

"Is everything alright with our men in Brazil"


Alexei spoke again drawing the attention to his calm looks.

"Orlando Moreira reached out to couple members of  the alliance"

Czar watched him intensively

"But they all declined his business offers"

Czar nooded

"What about the small businesses we are starting in Brazil"

Alexei answered with a nod

"Everything is going okay, the small flower shops we opened as a façade for exporting cocaine are doing well, our partners in Brazil are already building a perfect cover for us Interpol and intelligence agency wise"

Czar nodded his head before speaking again

"What about the opium business in Afghanistan is everything going alright, did the two shipments to Scotland arrive today as planned"

Once again Alexei answered with a yes.

"Perfect, now we need to focus on our new drug and the shipments"

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