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     You always try to hide the pain

You always know just what to say ~


Her mind kept flashing danger, but her heart betrayed her mind.

She stood in front of the dirty blonde, he was sitting and she still felt so little. Ah his face she was lost, was it lust? All she knew is he looked so handsome she wanted to have a bite. He wasn't the typical handsome.
His features were so fierce, his eyes like a sky that promised of rain. So grey yet blue almost swallowing her, his nose broken few times at least made his other beautiful features give his face an edgy look. His eyebrows a perfect line not too thick nor thin on top of those dreamy fierce eyes. His lips like a bow, he looked like a handsome devil. She watched as his lips moved

"Glad to know I still can make women speechless"

She smirked trying to fight her nervousness, she was shaking inside. But she has to act tough otherwise he'll step on her.
He seemed to pay her a very hard look, like a lion finding the right spot to bite the skin off.
She swallowed and a small smile crept to his lips.

"How did you like your stay here, I heard you are the new cook"

She scowled

" I was just trying to make my stay useful"

"So you can talk back after all, since we are talking about your stay. I hate to tell you but your dear man, what was his name again? Was it Leo?"

He gave a questioning look to Jessi, Jessi coughed saying

"It's Liam boss"

"Anyways he didn't answer to us, I'm not sure what's going on really between you two but he doesn't seem to mind his girlfriend stay here with me and rather keep what's mine instead"

She knew he wanted to get to her, hurt her. Liam left her here alone. He picked whatever that is over her, was it a woman. There's no way the boss will let Liam alive still, it must be not very valuable but valuable enough to kidnap her.

She knew the boss as they liked to call him was ruthless from what she heard of his men even though most of time they spoke this foreigner language to her ears.
She whispered with a thin voice

"Liam isn't going to come to get me?"

"That's exactly what I just said"

She wanted to scream, cry, get angry, destroy but instead she bit her tongue until she couldn't anymore, all eyes were on her.

"What's going to happen to me"

He seemed taken back by her response, did he think I was gonna cry in front of him she thought.
He gave her a long stare and smirked.

"You're dismissed"

Her eyes opened so wide and then she closed them and moved up the stairs to her room.

• • •

She sat under the shower with her legs under her, she couldn't fathom how could Liam give up on her. Did he really find a new woman, that must be it. His disappearing explained everything, he didn't bother kicking her out why?
Thousands of questions seemed to make her want to explode and at the end she cried, cried and cried until there was no more tears.
She whispered to herself once she got herself together and dressed.
'Now it's just me, I have to build myself a life, get out of here or die'

The idea of the man selling her to someone else made her want to slit her wrist, she'll fight everyone off including him before he can sell her.

She thought and thought, drowned in her thoughts, cried all night long until dusk.
A smile showed on her face, an almost crazy one then shortly after she slept.

Knocking seemed to make her open her eyes unwillingly, she wanted to sleep more after her pity party last night.

"Rino leave me alone I want to sleep more"

She heard a familiar voice

"Janna get up, we have to talk"

She got up so fast moving to the door, Janna unlocked the white room door with a panic.

"Dress, boss have few questions for you"

"About what Jessi?"


She sighed

"If you guys with this huge kidnapping gang couldn't find him how can I, he's not dumb enough to go to places I already know"

Jessi looked slightly impatient something she's not used to. He used to be so patient she couldn't understand.

"Janna come down, boss hates to repeat himself"

She swallowed and nodded her head. Taking a quick shower and dressing.
She looked into the mirror at herself, her puffy eyes with those crazy bags under her eyes, took a deep breath and let it out

"I'll just have to start my plan early"

She smiled nervously and wished herself luck.

Jessi waited for the past 40 minutes for her, Janna. His teen years dream. She's all he saw, and she him until he had to leave with his new widowed mother.
He went back years later but they told him she had left with Liam, he hated the snake. Liam had those evil snake like eyes, everything about him was evil, rotten and his pretty Janna couldn't see him for what he was.
But he's now a different man, with a different life.

She opened the door and his heart skipped a beat, she's a woman now. A woman he can't have but he'll try protect.

Her head was held high in a nervous way, she was faking confidence and she was afraid it's showing, but it doesn't matter it's either her plan or death.

Liam guided her to the east part of the villa the part her new friend Rino told her to stay away from.
They walked without talking but the sound of their feet and her breathing.
Jessi knocked on a double door and the deep voice that made her nerves shake said to enter.
Jessi opened the door. She stepped in and then she heard the boss say loudly and sternly

"You're dismissed "

She looked to Jessi who seemed at a loss for words, watched him leave and close the door.

"Come closer, I'm not holding a gun to your head, yet"

She swallowed and made a little prayer and walked to him in a sway, he was so taken back by her confidence the way she walked to him while looking into his eyes.

He smirked as she sat in front of him

"What am I gonna do with you"

She calmed herself down, his intense stares on her face and body made her want to hide but she fought the danger of being scared yet attracted to this devil like man.

"I can be of use to you"

His smirk deepened

"Let's see if you can be of use"

I hope you enjoyed this new chapter.

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What do you think the boss is gonna do with her?

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Kiss kiss

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