Chapter 5: Rock And Roll (Will Take You The Mountains)

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Yo' whats up guys. It's been a while since I updated. That authors note consisted me of not me updating for a while. That's cuz I had to break up with the Canadian kid. He's a lil' bragger. -___- but idk , I think I want him back. Is that bad? Idk Dx

Any who, this Chappie might or might not be eventful . It's basically when we get to the gig.




My neck hurts. That was the first thought as I woke up. "Gnnnn!" I moaned in pain. I opened my eyes to realize that I'm looking straight at the floor. My head was hanging from the arm rest on the couch. I sat up to notice Ino wasn't here. I looked around the room. Then I heard to shuffling coming from the second floor. I got up steadily and grabbed a pillow. Hey! Pillows can be a weapon.

As I slowly went up the stairs, the shuffling got louder and faster. As I peeked in the room crouched down and saw someone eating like they never ate before. I took a deep breath and barged in the room.

"PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR WHERE I COULD SEE THEM!" I yelled acting as if my pillow is a gun. The robber freaked and got up. As I was in shock I threw the pillow right in their face. The figure fell back and seemed knocked out. "FUCK YEAH! WHO'S THE NUMBER ONE GAMER SLASH KILLER IN WORLD? FUCKING ME!"I yelled as if I was announcing the olympic or something. I went to see who the figure was and my face paled. It was Ino. 'HOLY SHEIT! IMMA DIE!' I was franticly walking back and forth. Ok breath and think. BREATH AND THINK! I panicked.

I walked up to her and started to slap her face. "INO WAKE *SLAP* UP! I NEED *SLAP* YOU TO WAKE THE *SLAP* THE FUCK UP! I yelled. My hand hurt but I didn't care. I slapped her one more time, *SLAP* the slap rang throughout the entire little second floor house. Ino's eyes shot open.

"HOLY FUCK FOREHEAD! WHY DID YOU KNOCK ME OUT! AND WHY DOES MY CHEEK HURT! She screamed while jumping to her feet.

"I thought you were a robber cause I heard footsteps upstairs and I didn't know where you were so I thought *PANT* they took you hostage so I acted on self defense!" I said panting.

"Oh. Ok!' she said cheerly. "So you just gonna act like the never happened?" I asked.

"Uhhh, aren't you gonna be late for your gig today?" she said walking out of the room.

"Wha?" I looked at the clock and it was 8:35 and it'll take us like an hour and a half. Plus I gotta set up.

"AW FRICK MAN!" I yelled running down the stairs. Falling on my face tripping over a cable from my Turtle Beaches. And getting my stuff ready.

After a Good 30 minutes I got my stuff ready. 'I need to change' I thought walking upstairs. I went to my closet and looked. 5 minutes later I was wearing my shirt with my Dubstep name in bright red letters with pink stripes, black ripped up skinnys, red Vans, and my hair in a loose pink ponytail.

"Forehead let's go your gonna be late!" Ino yelled from down stairs. "Coming!" I yelled walking down the stairs. We locked the house and were getting in the car. Later we got a coffee , we were gonna need it.


As we arrived we were in Aw. It was HUGE! The name was 'Sharingan'. As we got out (we had to enter in the back door) I grabbed my stuff and walked in. As soon as I walked Ino I got a whiff of cologne/perfume and drinks.

The club was awesome! Like, it had blinking red & pink lights. A BIG I mean like HUGE food table. With cakes ,Samiches , and drinks. The music was blaring. But I will make it better.

"Hello lady's, would you like a drink?" a deep masculine voice said.

"Uhhh, does it looks like- WHOA! HOT MAMMA!" I said in amazement . The guy was in his early 20's, tall deep black suit, long shoulder length hair, with little spikes on top, bright red eyes like Blood.

"Hello lady's, my name is Sebastian. I will be serving you today." (from Black Butler)

"Forehead why did u scream- HOLY FRICK YOUR HOT!" Ino shouted .

"Why thank you miss. Drinks?" Sebastian said while having a couple of cocktails in his hand.

"Uhhh, we're kinda underage but I'll have a Monster & my friend Ino will have a sparkling water. Thanks." I said politely . Hey, we're only 17 we can't have alcoholic drinks . I aint breaking the law when Im almost famous -.-!

"Right away ma'am" he said while turning around and leaving.

After I set up my supplies I was nervous slash happy. There was a lot of people . Like 10,272 people! As I stood under the stage ,i don't know why they just told me, I breathed. Then the announcer spoke. Show time ;D



All of a sudden,the floor rose and me going through a hole (dnt think wrong -.-) and I was met with flashing blue, green lights. While smoke was everywhere . They had a mic by me.

"YO GUYS HOWS IT GOING? IT'S A PLEASURE BEING HERE. UHHH FOR THE GAMERS HERE I HAVE A SURPRISE FOR ! AS FOR OTHERS DON'T WORRY I ALSO HAVE A TREAT FOR YOU! LETS BEGIN! I said in the mic. I was pumped . After that Monster I felt like bouncing off the walls. I first decided to start with the Zombie song. Let the fun begin(;


Hey guys , I'm bck I think . Let's just say I'm running out of ideas for this story to be eventful, BECAUSE MY FRIEND CHELSEA ( wuv u dear

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Stay Awesome Brahh's

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