Chapter 22; Set Me on Fire

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"Hey Sakura, you ok? You seem pretty down" said Ino. We're in the kitchen while I'm just sitting at the table with my head down.

"I kissed Sasuke.."



"Yaaa.." I said lowly. I was somewhat scared of it. I knew I was going to catch feelings and I don't wanna be one of Sasuke's fangirls. Besides.. I still have Jason on Xbox. I'm such a mess. Eh, I hate to say it but I have to end it with him. We barley play together anyways. I'll do it later though. I don't have the energy or motivation too. I bang my head against the table and hear Ino place a plate in front of me.

"Here, have some pasta, it'll help" she said gingerly. This is why she's considered my best friend. She knows how to cheer me up and is always there for me when I need her the most. "After you eat maybe we can wa-". Mid sentence the doorbell rang. I looked at the clock to see it was 9:30. Who could be here this late?
"Hmm. I wonder who it is. Did you order a pizza?" Ino said while putting her hands on her hips. i nodded my head. Ino then walked to the door and opened it. I go to the wall and take a peek.

I then hear Ino gasp and say "Hey, come on in.. Ehehe" she said it sheepishly too. My heart then stopped. It was Sasuke. Why is he always showing up. Bad enough I was avoiding him today. I quickly hid back behind the wall and started shaking. I was scared. What is he going to do? Is he going to get mad? Make fun of me? Anything is possible at this point.

"Ya Sakura is in the kitchen. Just wait in the living room and I'll go get her" I heard Ino said. I see her pass me up and serve a glass of tomato juice. I didn't even know we had that. "Isn't it ironic that you just told me you kissed him and now he's here? Perfect love story I see brewing" Ino said quietly so Sasuke won't hear. "Shut the fuck up Ino. This isn't good." I said. "Well whatever it is, you're going to have to put it aside and go out there. You can't keep him waiting, that's rude" she said as she handed me the juice. I took it slowly and headed my way to the living room.

I see him and he dressed in black sweats and a hoodie with a symbol on the back that was red and white. "Uh, here's your juice. Ino said you wanted to talk?" I said nervously but coughed it off. I sat next to him but a comfortable distance away. I don't hate him, I'm just scared and nervous. "Thanks and yes. I do wanna speak to you" he said as he took a sip of his juice and set it on the table. I watched him set it down and saw him lick his lips. Oh my god. That's such a weakness. I felt my body shudder thinking bout what that tongue can do. But I quickly threw that thought away.

"About today, in the hall" he began.
"I'm sorry." I quickly said while putting my head down. "I know I shouldn't have gone that way" I felt teas pricking at my eyes but I pushed them back in. My hands were gripping my pants tightly. I then felt something warm on my hand.

I looked on my hand to see another hand on top of it. I look up at Sasuke with wide eyes and confusion on my face. "Stop saying sorry. It's getting annoying. As I was going to say, yes you shouldn't have gone that way and don't go back that way. I don't wanna see any of my classmates getting hurt." he said melancholy.

That hurt. Classmate. Nothing more. I was just considered a classmate to him. The heated make out session was nothing to him apparently. I wanted to cry even more. I felt a tear fall. Shit. That' shows weakness. Especially in front of Sasuke. I saw his hand reach out to my face but I quickly stood up and backed up from him.

"Thank you for your concerns but I think it's time for you to go. It's late and we have school tomorrow." I said lowly with a shadow covering my eyes.

"Hn. Alright, I'll see you tomorrow Haruno. Goodnight" he said stoically. And with that, he walked past me and out the door. When I heard the door clock I ran to my room. I shut the door and landed on my bed. That's when the tears fell. And it was a lot. I don't know why I was crying. Maybe it was the fact that I was 'classmate-zoned by the guy who I had a heated make out with and kissed back. Now I made out with fair amount of guys but I've never felt this.. fire with them. I hugged my pillow tightly and continued to slowly cry. Especially since I think he killed that man. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm not accusing but it looking like Uchiha a lot. With the hair and quickness. it just downright scared me.

For the whole night, Ino didn't come knock on my door or anything and I'm glad she didn't. I don't wanna be bothered right now. or ever. I knew I was catching feelings and I hated it. I grabbed my phone and read it was 3:56am. I think I should go to sleep now. I go on pandora and turn on some chill music to help me sleep. Underwater from Bassnectar started to play and I immediately get comfy. This helps when I need it the most. I feel my eyes get heavy and I fall into a dreamless sleep.

I wake up with the sun shining in my eyes and I quickly get up to rub them. I forgot where I was then I remembered I was in my room crying. I check the clock to read it's 10:25. School started two hours and I don't care that I missed it. This is only my first day missing a day. I check my phone and see I have 3 messages. Two from Ino and another from an unknown number.

The two from Ino said that there's food on the table and that's she's going out on a date with Shikamaru after school. I read the unknown number and I gasped, covering my mouth.

'I know who you are and I'm going to get proof and expose you ;)'

My first thought was it was Karin and trying to get at me but then I think about it. Karin would never do this. She's all about having a crowd and doing it where everyone could see her. She wouldn't hide. I quickly delete the message and run my head. I could feel a migraine approach and it was coming fast. I head downstairs and see there's French toast on the table covered in plastic wrap and a note with a heart on it. I immediately dig in. I was so hungry and the headache was going away. I should head to the spa to clear my mind. I grabbed the phone and dialed the best spa I could find and set an appointment.

Hey guys.!! here's another chapter and it's a lil longer than usual. it's 4:15 am right now and I felt like updating just for you guys <3

again I don't know when the next update is but I'll try soon. I love you all and thank you for sticking with me. your comments make me laugh and make me keep writing (:

question: should I start making this more lemony? like sex scenes O.O c;

if so fav and comment! <33

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