Chapter 27: Be Together

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It's been two weeks since the mall and i still can't get my mind to wrap around what Sasuke told me. Why be with someone who doesn't make you happy? Let alone they're plain annoying but then I remind myself it's just for his father's business. Whatever. Not like I care right?

"Forehead! Hello!!! Come back to earth and help me decide what panties i should wear for my date!" Ino said as she's half naked in front of me. "Oh yeah right, sorry Ino" I apologize. I help Ino decide, which was a black almost see through panties with flower lace pattern, or a rhinestone colored one. "Uhhh i say the black one." I say as i check my phone. "You're not even paying attention!" She pouts. Ino puts on the black set anyways and puts on a maroon fluffy shirt and black, torn jeans. "He'll never expect me to be wearing this sexy set under these clothes!" Ino says confidently.
"Yeah he will!"

There's a sudden knock at the door & i see Ino run to the mirror to check her makeup. "I guess I'll get it pig!" i tell to her as i walk towards the door.
"You came at the perfect moment Shikam-" My words are cut off as i see who's at the door. It's not Sasuke or Itachi this time. It's Karin.
"Hey emo bitch, we need to talk" she says as she crosses her arms in front of her.
"Excuse me? I don't know who the fuck you're talking to like that but you should watch what you say. " i say through gritted teeth.
"Look bitch, i don't have time for these fucking games. You need to learn to back off my man slut!" she says as she pushes my shoulder. I look at where she touched me and the looked right back at her. "Don't you ever touch me dude." I said harshly. "Hey Shika- oh shit you're not Shikamaru." I hear Ino say from the behind me.
"I saw you walking with Sasuke at the mall the other day. You need to learn to keep your hands to yourself & your eyes" Karin says coming close to my face. "Oh that's it" i said as the next thing i do is punch her right in the nose. She was in shock for a second before she grabbed a handful of my hair and starting pushing my head towards the ground, punching the back of my neck. I grab her waist and tackle her to the ground, for now i'm on top, throwing punches and she still has my hair in her grip. Karin tries to punch me with one hand and her other hand occupied with my hair, pulling very hard. I hear Ino screaming telling us to stop. Next thing i know i feel strong pair of hands on both my arms & pulls me off Karin. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOI BITCH?!" I hear her scream at me. I try to fix my now tangled hair and look up to see Sasuke holding Karin back & Shikamaru having my arms in his grip. "Don't assume shit." i say calmly. "What the fuck is going on here?" Sasuke says harshly, looking back and forth at me and Karin. "Tell your crazy girlfriend to keep her hands to myself" i say harshly to Sasuke as I wipe the blood off my lip. "Karin, get in the car. Sakura, I need to speak to you, privately." Sasuke says as he grabs my arm and drags me upstairs to my room. I turn around to see Karin shocked to see Sasuke grab me and leads me upstairs. I felt a little happy to see her face like that.

"What's you're problem?" i say as he finally let's go of me and closes the door. I rub my arm because he grabbed it a little hard. He pinches the bridge of his nose as he looks down to the floor and let's put a loud sigh of disappointment. "Why were you fighting Karin?" Sasuke asks. "Because she assumes shit and said I should 'back off' of you. Like I wasn't even on you like that and shit. You're the one who grabbed me to tell me something. Get you're girlfriend under control!" i say as i flail my arms around. "She is NOT my girlfriend" Sasuke says strongly through his gritted teeth as he gets an inch close to my face. I freeze and stare at him in shock and fear. I felt the anger in his voice, i could feel the anger radiating off of him as he is so close to me. A flashback to when he saved me in the hall and he kisses me comes to me. That feeling of me wanting to kiss him is so strong but i know i shouldn't, i can't. He has me pinned to a wall near my door, hand by my head.

"Look, I don't want anything to happen to yo- i mean Karin. Like i said , she is business for my family" he says softly. His warm breath touches my lips and i have such a strong urge to lick my lips but I didn't. "Then why does she act like you guys are planning on getting married " i said with a hint of sadness in my voice. I didn't mean too but it happened. I hope he doesn't notice.
He doesn't say anything for a few seconds, then it clicks in my head. "You guys are going to get married aren't you?" i say as my voice cracks a little. "It's not like i have a choice ok, I never wanted it." Sasuke says as his lips touch my cheeks. "Are you sad bout it Haruno?"
"Well I-" before i can finish my sentence, i feel his soft lips kiss the end of my lips and then crash onto mines. Everything is on fire in my body as our tongues fight for dominance. His hands grab my cheeks and i run my fingers through his soft, black hair. I don't want this moment to stop, my heart is going a million beats per second. This is wrong but it feels so right.

We make-out for what's seems like eternity until we hear a sharp knock at the door. We immediately back off each other and fix ourselves real quick. "And don't EVER touch Karin again!" Sasuke says harshly and he opens the door and walks away. Like what ever happened two seconds ago didn't happen. I knew he was doing that to put up a show and pretended nothing like that happened. "Yeah whatever chicken ass" i say as i flick him off and he walks out the door and drive off with Karin in the car.
I see Ino run toward me with a wet towel and wipe my lips from the blood. "Oh my god forehead, are you ok?" Ino says wiping my face. "Yeah I'm ok. Shika you came at the right time" I say as i walk away from Ino and head downstairs to the kitchen and fix myself some instant ramen. "Are you going to be ok? I mean I can stay." Ino says to me. "Nah it's ok pig, I'll be ok. Go have fun!" I say as i take my ramen out the microwave. "Take her away Shikamaru before she drives me crazy."
Shikamaru nods to me and grabs Ino, walks out the door and locks it. I hear his car start up and drive away. It's just me & my thoughts on what just happened in the past ten minuets.

Everything happened so fast. But what thought is stuck in my mind is Sasuke saying he is going to marry Karin, I mean we're still kids. We're both seniors in high school. I keep thinking on why i'm so worried bout him getting married. It's his life, not mine. He's doing it for his family, but marriage?


Hello my lovely followers! wow it has been a very long time. i know i say this a lot but i am very sorry for keeping you waiting. i have been working and went through a very bad breakup and heartbreak but alas! i am getting better and i did not mean to worry you guys T.T but i am ok and well. I love to hear your feedback! Love you all!!❤️❤️

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