Chapter 28: Deja Vu

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I wake up suddenly to the sound of the last bell of the day. I look around and noticed I missed the whole lecture of my history class. I notice Sasuke still sitting in his seat next to me with his head hanging back. At first i thought he didn't have a head at first because my head was still laying down on my desk but I looked up to see that. I haven't really talked to him since the whole fighting Karin & making out in my room. The classroom becomes empty and decide to gather my things and get out. "I know it's you who performed at the Sharingan, I'm not stupid."

I freeze while putting my backpack on. Did he really just say that? No, he doesn't know. He's just messing with me because I beat up his girlfriend. "I don't know what you're talking about Uchiha." I say as i push my chair in and walk towards the door. I hear him get up from his chair and walk towards the door as well. We both stop in front of each other in front of the now closed classroom door. I was about to walk out when his arm blocks me from walking through. "Excuse me but can you move your arm so I can get through and go home?" i ask annoyed. "Do not play these games with me Haruno. I know it was you, it's so obvious." He says. So smooth but yet so stern. I love it. "I do not know what you are talking about? I don't even know what the 'Sharingan' is." I say, trying to sound convincing. Speaking of the club, I remember Itachi wanting me to perform again this weekend.
He pushes me against the blackboard and we're in the same position as we were in my room the other day but this time i'm keeping my self on check and not give in on him right now and try to focus on sounding convincing. "Look, get off of me before your crazy girlfriend comes and finds us and she go bat shit crazy and i'm going to have to beat her up again and you wouldn't want that for daddy now would you?" I say. I gotta hit him where it hurts so I can get my way out of here and work on a new song for this weekend. "Hn. You're a tough one but i know what makes you tick." Sasuke says as he licks my lower lip and gets off of me and walks away. I use my arm to wipe of his saliva from my lip. How i wanted to so bad to taste his mouth again. I shake my head to get those thoughts out of my head and walk out the door and make my way home. He knows i have a weak spot for him. He knows I go crazy when he is super close to me. But i also have something on him. When i accidentally saw him possibly kill a man but I don't have any proof that it was him. He'll deny it and I would look real dumb in front of him.

As I'm walking home, I noticed that someone was trailing pretty far from me from behind. At first I didn't notice but when i turned around for the second time i still see them following me. I walk faster to get home. My house is only half a block away max. As soon as i get to the front steps, I turn around to see if they were still there but they were gone. That's weird. I turn to open the door then i see a flash. At that moment, i froze. It's the person who took a picture of me long ago from my room. They were stalking me? No, why would they?

I quickly sped walked to my front door and hurriedly grabbed my keys and unlocked the door.

"Hey for- hey are you alright?" I heard Ino said as her head peeped out the kitchen . I tried to stop myself from shaking as I try to lock the door behind me. "Yeah I'm good, just hungry" I say normal as I possibly can. I make a beeline to my room and drop all my stuff on the floor and immediately shut my curtains to my windows. What the actual fuck, I thought that person was just my imagination. I plopped on my bed and decided to take a nap to help me calm down.


I wake up to the sound of my phone buzzing in my pocket. I groggily sat up and dig for my phone. What time was it anyways? It's dark outside so I assume its pretty late. I finally grab my phone and check to see what my phone read. It was a text message, well more like multiple text messages. It was from an unsaved number but I saw that it said it was Itachi. How the hell did he get my number? I read the multiple texts and he kept asking if I could perform at the Sharingan because his dj cancelled on him last minute today. I don't even have a song, I haven't even produced one since the last time I performed and that was a long time ago.

I text him back telling him so stop spamming me and I first ask him how he got my number. He texted back that is not important right now and he asked if I was willing to perform. I told him I have worked on a song since I last performed. I even mentioned about Sasuke and he told me not to worry because he is going to go suit and dress shopping with Karin. That hurt. I felt that same pang in my chest.

I texted back that I accept his offer but I don't have a ride. He texted back immediately saying he's got it covered. The gig is at midnight and the time right now is 7 pm, so I have to rush a song and that will be really messy and rushed and I also have to look for an outfit too. This is going to be something. I headed to my desk and look around to think of an idea. Something caught my eye and I got started to produce.


I woke up suddenly to the sound of my computer beeping signaling that the battery was about to die. What time is it? I check the time for the digital clock to read 11:30pm. Fuck! My rides going to be here in five minuets and I haven't even picked out an outfit. 

I check my phone for messages and I see one from Itachi saying my ride will be there in 5 mins, and that was two mins ago which means the ride will be here in three mins. I run to Ino's closet to see what I can wear. I grab her high fishnet leggings, a green crop top, ripped jeans and white vans. I look myself in the mirror and I look somewhat decent. Luckily I straightened my hair this morning so I don't have to do much with it. For my makeup, I just lightly put on some mascara and lip gloss. I hear a beep coming from outside and I immediately grab my stuff and head for the door.

Before I could grab the doorknob, Ino comes out of nowhere and grips my arm. "Where do you think you're going with all that stuff?" She says. "Uhhh... out?" I say sheepishly. 

"Are you going to perform?!" She shouts. "Ino! Shhh!" I say as I cover her mouth with my hand. She gasps under my hand and removes my hand from her mouth. I hear the driver beep again and I pull open the door and fly down the stairs. "We'll talk about  it when I get back I promise" I say stepping in the car. 

"Sorry I took so long, I got caught up with someone" I apologized to the driver. He turns around and it Sebastian from when me and Ino called him hot out loud. "it is quite alright miss. Please fasten your seatbelt for we are about to take off" he says politely. Oh god this is going to be fun.


Hey guys! another long update. Its long because we finally got a computer and I can update more. Thank you all for your reviews and support throughout the story. I will be back soon my loves! ❤️

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