Chapter 26:Stereo Love

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We were walking to the food court when I kept seeing people stare at us. I didn't realize that he was holding my hand. I did not mind because I felt safe, which was weird. The thought of Karin and Sasuke is still bothering me but not as much. "I know what you are thinking and its not true." Itachi said while still looking forward. I stop in my tracks with my hand still in his. I give him a facial expression of confusion and fear. He pulled my hand to signal me to keep walking. I walked while trying not to look nervous. 

"W-What? I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh c'mon dear, you know what I'm talking about."

We find the food court and sit in a booth that is pretty far away from the food stands. I sit across from him and try avoid eye contact with Itachi. "Why are you so nervous? I'm not going to hurt you." He said while giving a soft laugh. "I just, I don't know. Just a lot has been going on." I say while messing with my nails nervously. "Well, it is safe to say that I know who you are. I noticed you haven't been performing lately. Is it because you think Sasuke knows or that you are upset that he is in a 'relationship'?" He put his fingers in air quotes when he said relationship. "What do you mean relationship?" I asked curious. 

"Now we're getting somewhere. Sasuke isn't in a relationship. Now I will be right back, I'm going to get some coffee. Would you like some?" He asked, I nodded and he walked away. 

What is he talking about not in a relationship. I saw the facebook post and Karin constantly clinging to his side more than usual. Is Itachi just saying that to make me feel better and expose me? No, he wouldn't do that. If he was to expose me, he would have done it already. 

"Sasuke-kuun! I love the new necklace you bought me!" Oh god, just my luck. I peek around the booth and see Sasuke and Karin standing by  a jewelry stand. Karin is looking in a little mirror, fingering her new diamond necklace. Sasuke is just standing by her while on his phone. 

"Speak of the devil." Itachi comes back with two coffee cups in his hand and puts my coffee in front of me on the table and sitting back down. "Don't let it bother you, it's for show. Think of it as a 'business promotion'." He said sipping his coffee. "Karin's father and my father want to merge businesses but to do that, Sasuke has to make Karin happy ." "And to do that is to date?" I ask sipping my coffee as well. "No, but that is what Karin wanted and whatever the princess wants, princess gets."

"And that is exactly what I got!" I turn quickly to see Sasuke and Karin hovering next to us. "Hello little brother, Karin." Itachi says stoically. Odd how he changed his mood so fast. I didn't say anything and I kept sipping my coffee.  "Sakura, I need a word with you." Sasuke says as he grabs my arm and pulls me away. "Wait Sasuke!" "I will be right back Karin." 

Sasuke pulls me towards a nearby book store where its quiet. "What are you doing with Itachi?" he whispers fiercely. "Excuse me? Who made you think you are in charge of me?" I say harshly. People were giving us weird looks. "You shouldn't be here with him."

"Hop off Uchiha, you should be worried about your girlfriend and not me" I pull my arm away from his grip and start to walk away. Sasuke follows me. "She is not my girlfriend. I'm worried about you more than her right now. You don't know what Itachi is capable of." He says. "Worried about me? Why? I'm nothing more than a classmate to you. The hallway incident was just a mistake!" My stomach flipped that I said that and I regret it but at the same time it was the truth. "You said it yourself when you came to my house. Now excuse me, I have to get back with Ino." I walk away and it took all my strength not to look back at him. I could feel his eyes bore into the back of my skull. I go back to Itachi and see he is doing is best to ignore Karin. Itachi's eyes meet me and could clearly see I was in distress. "Sakura, whats wrong?" He asked standing up.  "I am alright. I have to go, thank you for the coffee." I say and start walking towards the store I last seen Ino. I walk in and see she is still in the store still looking at the same dress when I first left. 

"You're still looking at that dress pig?" I ask. I start a random conversation to clear my head. Worried about me? I am nothing but a classmate to him. Is it because he knows I'm a DJ. No, couldn't be. Then why? 


Hey guys! it has been a very long time. I have no excuse for writing. i have been slacking so much, finishing high school, thinking about college, moving back home. just so many things lol. i look back at my old chapters and wonder how much of a kid. i was 14 when i started writing this story, and now im 18 and still writing. i love writing for you guys and reading your comments! they truly make my day a whole lot better. until next time! 

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