Chapter 30; Alone

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I wake up to the sound of my phone, it was a text message. I grabbed my phone and was blinded on how bright my phone was. The time read 3:45 pm. Did I really sleep that long? It was a message from Ino saying she's out of school and is going out with Shikamaru later. Oh yeah, it was a school day. I also saw another text from an unknown number. 

"Nice performance but I need to have a word with you. See you soon. -S"

S? Who the fuck is "S"? Oh well, probably wrong number or just a scam. I got up and decided to shower. I have the whole day off and I don't know what to do. I could get some food which is what I'll probably do. 

I take my shower and change into some ripped jeans and a hoodie. I went to the door and slipped on my usual Vans. I look outside the door window and noticed the car is still there meaning Ino got a ride to school this morning. I walk out and lock the door behind me and unlock the car. Hooked up my phone and started the car. A song I heard before but never really paid attention too started to play and I was really liking it, getting inspired maybe. 

On the drive, to which I still don't know where I'm going, I hear my phone buzz again from another text message. I stopped at a red light to check the message  and it read "Where are you going? i say we needed to talk". Seriously who the fuck are you and how did you know I was leaving? I didn't text back because I  was driving and I am a responsible person. 

I get to my destination and I walk in. It's a small hometown bakery/cafe. It instantly smells like fresh bread and brewed coffee. It is a quiet little place and I love it. 

"Well I'll be damned, if it isn't pinky." I turn around and instantly smile. "Well hello to you too  Izuya." It was the owner of the cafe. I haven't seen him for a while. "C'mere darling!" he said with open arms while I go to hug him. "Hmm.. You're a little shorter than I remember." I say with a grin on my face. I embrace him and instantly get memories from his scent. It reminds me of how my grandparents would smell, warm and like home. "Are you going to tell me how much older I look as well?" he says while holding me by my shoulders to get a good look at me. "My have you grown, your parents would be so proud of you!" he said to me tenderly. "Amaya, get Sakura here her usual and throw in a cheese danish." "Yes popop!" Amaya is his granddaughter who I haven't seen in forever. I remember when she was just a toddler learning how to walk. 

 I find a table and take out my computer and write in the notes of the song I heard that inspired me earlier. From the corner of my eye I saw spiky hair approaching me. My heart starts to beat fast but I keep concentrating on my computer.

"Ah Sasuke! Its so nice to see you again!"

I stopped typing and I felt my heart stop. What the actual fuck. This is a joke right? Like, this can't be happening. I peak over my computer to see the devil himself and Sasuke. 

"Hello Izuya it has been a while. I would like you to meet my companion, Karin." He calmly said. "He means fiancé and yes it is nice to meet you!" Karin said happily. The look on Izuya's face was 'You can't be serious'. I tried not to laugh and ducked my head behind my computer screen. Maybe if I think small then I will be small. "Sakura-chan! Here is your danish and coffee!" Amaya comes with my items in her hands. Of course that would happen because only me right? "Ah, thank you Amaya." I say warmly as I take my items. I felt an evil presence looking in my direction and I knew who it was. I did my best not to look up and I continued to look at my computer. There was a long silence and I heard a brief 'hmph' which I'm guessing is Karin. "Hn. Izuya, I- we need a favor to ask you." I heard Sasuke say. "Ah yes of course! This way." 

I slowly peak my head up and see Izuya walk them back to his office. I have the worst of luck.

"Ya know it isn't nice to eavesdrop on others peoples conversations."

"JESUS FU-!" I exclaimed as I dropped my danish to the floor. "Aww nooo! My danish! I swear whoever you are I'm going to murde-" I  say as I get up from my chair and turn around and was met with a wall with a design that looked like a red swirly cloud. 

Deep down I had a feeling on who it was with the familiar scent of cologne and lemme tell you it makes me wanna melt. "Did I scare you Haruno?" Itachi says as he backs away to give me some space. "Why are you always popping up like don't you have work or something?" i said brushing off the crumbs on my pants. I look down at my sad, barley touched danish on the floor. "You owe me a new danish by the way." I said as calmly as I could. " I will get you a new one and an extra if you'd like. I am here to accompany my brother and Karin for something bout their engagement party." Itachi said as he picked up my now dead danish. "I will be back."

He walked away and towards the counter where I saw Amaya look up and started to get nervous.  So Karin and Sasuke are having an engagement party. So he is serious about that. I felt and tiny hint of sadness in my chest in which I don't know why.

Why are you denying your feelings towards him? Your feelings are growing deeper.

Voice in my head please shut up. I hear a beep and I look at the source and its my computer dying. I reach into the computer bag and feel around for the charger and to my luck it isn't there. Great. 

I felt my phone buzz and it was that unknown number again. "Get out before she makes a scene and we both don't want that"

I just deleted it and hit the block button, weirdo keep texting a number that doesn't respond.  I start packing up my computer when I heard footsteps coming my way. "You going home already?"Itachi said while setting a new danish and a few sandwiches on the table. I felt my stomach grumble and felt my face go hot with embarrassment. "Haha, go ahead. I got them for you" he said as he sat down and started sipping on his drink. 

I sat down, grabbed a sandwich and the danish and started eating. My goodness its so good. I looked at Itachi who was already staring at me. My face got hot again and I swallowed my food. "What? Is there something on my face?" I ask while wiping my face. "Haha no. I'm just wondering how a tiny person like you could make such incredible music." He said with a small smirk. "sSHH!" I shushed. "Could you have said it any louder?" 

"Brother, may I ask what you're doing here with Haruno?"

I stopped mid chew and felt my eyes widen. I turned to my right and was met with onyx eyes and dull red eyes. "Why are you always around my family you stalker?"Karin said. It too me all my might not to fight her again. "Me and Itachi were talking and it is none of your business." I said as I sipped my coffee. "Why you little-!" "Karin! Please not now!" Sasuke said through clenched teeth with his eyes closed. I could've sworn I saw a vein pop in his neck.

"I really don't have the energy to deal with this so I will be leaving. Itachi we ca talk another time so just text me." I said as I finished my danish, grabbed my things and touched Itachis shoulder before I walked through Sasuke and Karin. Was that rude? Probably but I couldn't care less. 

"You're just going to let her do that?" I heard Karin said. "Relax." Sasuke said. 

Jeez I need to move or something cause apparently I can never get away from them.


Hello loves. long time no write lol. just wanted to stop by and say that tbh I'm kinda lost with this story. I feel like I'm just dragging it on and I don't know how to get this story with conflict and with the main story and have it end because sadly all things come to an end. I know my story seem very confusing cause I forget what I wrote in the past. worse case scenario, this story doesn't finish and it'll just be incomplete but hopefully it doesn't come to that. like always I do not know when I will update again but I wanna thank all of you for reading this messy story and sticking with it<3 

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2019 ⏰

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