Chapter14:Follow You Down

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It has been a week since I had to put my job on hold. It feels like 20 years since I last stepped by a mixing board & go all crazy.

I've just been playing some Xbox & skate. But mostly stay inside, laying on my bed staring at the ceiling. School is the same as usual. Uchiha is the same acting like I don't exist anymore, I don't see Itachi anymore thank gosh.

After my thinking , I decide to play Xbox. Again.

I was thinking about getting the new Xbox One, but then I forgot my internet boyfriend still has the 360 so I'm sticking with it too.

As I get online & my screen loads , I get a party invite right away from him. He always does that just to make sure no one else invites me. Cute<3

"Ya,?" I said into the mic.
"I missed you, even though you've been gone for like 2 hours." He says. He's so sweet it just gives me butterflies. "I've been stuck playing with Moar all day" as he refers to my other friend. They've been friends when I first met them. It's so cute

"Hey! That's not fair-OH SHIT I HIT A BILL!" My friend Moar screams. You hear him freaking out & taking off his mic to run around his house yelling he hit the bill. (a/n: a bill is another word for trickshot).
"Ahaha! Oh my god Moar that's great!" I said while laughing. I swear I love these kids.
"Babe, get on MW2 so we can kill people together" my internet boyfriend said. Ok. His name is George. I don't know why I keep calling him 'internet boyfriend'. It's weird. "Ya gimme a sec" I said.
I get up to put the disk in till I saw a flash coming from outside. I turn to see out the window & see nobody. Thinking it's my imagination, I just brush it off & put the disk in. As I walk back to my seat, I see another flash.

'Wtf?' I thought, slowly walking to my window. I peek out to see someone in a black trench coat with a camera in their hand.

I slowly crept downstairs & walk out the back door so the person won't see me. I peek around the corner to see him still there. I suddenly jumped out & ran as fast as I could to the person. The person then saw me & started running too.

It then turned into a cat & mouse chase. We were running which seemed almost forever. By the 2nd block ,I ran out of breath & stopped. The person kept running & I lost sight if him. Great.

I quickly walked back to my house & closed all the blinds in the house and locked all the doors. I go back in my room & put my headset on.

"Babe? What took you so long? You were gone for like twenty minutes. Are you ok.?" George asked. It sounded like worry in his voice but I couldn't tell. "Ya..Im fine .. Just.. Invite me." I said still panting. I am not very athletic.

During the time while I was playing, I kept getting kill feeds. I always get messages saying that I'm a hacker or I just try to hard. In which I really don't. Oh silly people.

"Guys. I'll be back. I'm hungry." I say as I took off my mic. I head downstairs & look through my fridge. Ham. Cheese. Milk. Juice. Soda. Eggs. Mustard. Some salad Ino probably didn't eat. And yogurt. Oh god there's nothing in this house. I close the fridge & head to my pantry and take out a Ramen cup. I put the water in & pop it in the microwave.

I wonder what was with that guys problem. Papparazzi ? Nah, no one knows where i live, (I hope) I look at the microwave and see that only one minute has passed. It felt like 10 hours. After 2 minutes of just staring off into space , I head to the microwave and take out my ramen. I then head to the fridge to get a soda & go back to my room. I put on the headset & set my food down.
"I'm back, again." I say.
"Yay! Chi Town's back!" My friend Moar or Erick says.
"Fuck off Moar. She's mine & only mine" George says. "Guys oh my god stop. George your giving me butterflies again" I say. "Let's just get back to the game"

*Next Day*

"Pig shut up. It's Saturday & we have no school for the rest of the week remember?" I groan. I swear she has the loudest voice ever. "Oh. Well go back to sleep. ehehe" she sheepishly laughed. I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't cause of Ino. So I got up & did my usual.
I head downstairs to find Ino watching tv with a protein shake in hand. I go to the fridge to see more food. THANK YOU! I grab the box of toaster strudels & pop it into our new toaster in which -when the fuck did we get a new toaster? Eh. I don't care. Then the doorbell rang. I went to the door & my eyes opened in shock.

Hey guys! Finally updates. Sorry I've been inactive. I'm moving & lots of things to do. Blah! Dx

But idk when the next update is. Sorry if this chapter is short for some. But ya.


Stay happy friends (:

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