Up All Night (SeungLix)

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Pairing: Seungmin & Felix (ft. MinLix)

Genre: Vampire AU

!!TW!! : inspired by (you guessed it) "Up All Night" MV, HORROR, angst, jealousy, mild possessiveness, implied sexy times, paranoia, blood, graphic major character deaths, corpses, murder, gore, technically it's not cannibalism if they're not the same species BUT




Felix bit his lower lip as he observed the large, old-fashioned mansion that stood before them. It looked every bit like the luxurious resort they'd been promised and yet, he couldn't help but feel worried. Ever since Minho had received that damned e-mail a few weeks ago, Felix had been tormented by a bad feeling twisting his guts – and it was only getting stronger now that they were here.

Minho, his boyfriend of three years now, had decided to participate in an event to win a week-long stay at a luxurious resort near the beach. Much to their surprise, he was picked as one of the winners and, since he was allowed a plus one, he obviously asked Felix to tag along.

A week-long vacation in a nice resort with his lovely boyfriend? Of course Felix was in – but that didn't mean he had to be entirely on board with it either.

They were warned by the company hosting the event that they would be sharing the mansion with six other people, also winners and their plus ones. They didn't know who those people were, but they'd be sharing the living space for the next week, and they'd be participating to all of the events and activities planned together, so Felix sincerely hoped they would all get along.

"Come on, Lixie," hummed softly Minho, tugging him toward the entrance. "I'm sure everything's going to be just fine."

Minho was right. What was the worst that could happen, really?


Their shared room was spacious and absolutely lovely. They even had a balcony from which they could have a direct view of the sea, just ten minutes away from there. How Felix had never heard of this place before was beyond him, but there was no denying he felt a little more relaxed by the time they headed down to meet with the others.

(And okay, maybe the make-out session Minho initiated helped take some of the edge off, but Felix refused to say anything, considering his boyfriend already looked smug enough.)

When they eventually found their way to the gazebo located outside, they found it already filled with the six other people – all male, and all seemingly around the same age. Felix couldn't help but shyly duck his head as he partly hid behind his boyfriend, a tad intimidated by how handsome they all looked.

"Oh! Looks like the last two finally decided to join us," hummed one of them, seemingly amused.

"About time," huffed another with white hair, his arm slung around another's shoulders. "They said to meet up here at three – and it's half-past that, now."

"Sorry," replied Minho with a small shrug, unbothered.

One with dark blue hair snickered. "Can't you see they were having too good a time to notice they were late?"

Felix flushed a deep red at the implications, instinctively patting his hair in an attempt to make it look a little less disheveled. Minho simply rolled his eyes, tugging Felix along so they could claim the last seat for themselves. Felix happily snuggled against his boyfriend's side, still avoiding everyone's eyes.

"Alright, now that we're all here, I think it's time we introduce ourselves," suggested a man with dark hair, pale skin, and a lip ring. "I'm Chan! Also, I'm twenty-four. Is anyone here older than me?"

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