Care For You (HyukMinLix)

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Pairing: Minho & Felix & Minhyuk

Genre: Non-Idol AU

!!TW!! : mild angst, sexual tension, very minor injury, brief mention of blood, implied sexual content, it's not incest if they're not blood-related right




Felix gulped as he stepped out of the car, holding tightly to the strap of the bag he'd slung over his shoulder as he gazed upon the large building before him. Located smack in the middle of Seoul, it was one of the highest skyscrapers to be found in the city and, most importantly, it was now his new home.

(Or, well, the penthouse and the few floors below were. The rest were mostly offices of the Lee Conglomerate.)

"Young Master Lee, I presume?" Felix startled a bit as he looked over at the older man standing a few meters away in a neat suit. "I am Mr. Oh, the Chief of Staff. We were warned of your arrival. If you will please follow me, I shall show you the way to the penthouse."

"R- right. Thank you."

Felix hurried to fall in step with the man. Though he was dressed as he usually did, he couldn't help but feel like a slob next to the distinguished man beside him. Even if he was probably well over his fifties, he looked well-kept and proper, and it admittedly intimidated Felix a bit.

He tried his best not to let his awe show too much as they walked through the lobby, passing right through security with only a show of the man's card, and they quickly made it to the elevators. Once they stepped inside, he inserted a key at the bottom of the keypad before pressing down the button for the top floor of the building.

"You will find the exact same key in your room," then informed Mr. Oh. "It will grant you access to the entire building, and only you, in addition to the Lee family and myself, have them. Without it, you cannot access the penthouse, so make sure you do not lose it."

Felix nodded mutely as he anxiously gazed up at the climbing numbers on the panel. He felt a little dizzy just noticing how many floors they were passing by – the building looked incredibly tall from the bottom, but he had no doubt it would look even taller from the top, and he simply prayed he wouldn't make a fool of himself once they were up there.

When they finally reached the top floor, the elevator doors opened upon a fairly spacious lobby. When Felix hesitantly stepped out, however, he noticed Mr. Oh failed to follow after him – but when he glanced back at the older man, Mr. Oh merely shook his head.

"I only possess this key for a matter of emergencies. I am not allowed to step onto this floor, as this one and the few below are the private quarters of your family," he explained briefly. "Feel free to look around and, should you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to call for me."

"Thank you, Mr. Oh," replied Felix, swallowing nervously. "Have a nice day."

"You as well, Young Master Lee."

On which the doors of the elevator finally closed, and Felix was left alone in the lobby of his new house. Gulping, he quietly took off his shoes and placed them on the small mat next to the elevator before slowly making his way past the large double-doors made of frosted glass.

His breath was stolen away by the intense light that immediately flooded his entire line of sight, which basked in an ethereal glow the spacious living space and the numerous luxuries that filled it. A gigantic living room with a TV bigger than any he'd ever seen in a house before, with ginormous, comfortable-looking couches circling it, and large bookshelves lining one of the nearby walls. 

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