Happiness (HyunMinLix)

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Pairing: Minho & Felix & Hyunjin

Genre: Littlespace AU

!!TW!! : Littles are known, minor angst, some trauma (?), non-verbal headspace, tooth-rotting fluff, nursing

(requested by @LoneTree)




An excited squeal woke Hyunjin up. The model groaned lowly at the noise, trying to bury his head under his pillow, but then soft, distant giggles caught his attention, and his eyes instantly snapped open.

It's starting today!

Hyunjin literally stumbled out of bed, his feet getting tangled up in the sheets and almost making him kiss the floor. He somehow managed to regain his balance and promptly rushed out of the room, shivering a bit as his bare feet hit the tiled floor of the hallway. He found his way to the living room, where none other than Minho and Felix were currently cuddled up on the couch watching some cartoons.

Hyunjin's throat constricted a bit at the sweet sight.

He wished they could have more mornings like these.


Hyunjin and Minho had met early in their modeling careers, and doing multiple gigs together eventually led them to falling for each other. After a few years of learning to navigate their feelings through work and responsibilities alike, they both came to the conclusion that they were missing something.

A Little, more precisely.

Hyunjin and Minho had both presented as Caregivers at the age of twenty but, too caught up in their blooming careers as models, neither of them really paid that particular part of their biology any mind. However, one couldn't just repress such an intimate part of themselves for too long without risks, which they learned almost too late.

Hyunjin had one too many mental breakdowns, and Minho landed in the hospital once because of overwork and stress. They also kept on snapping at each other over the littlest things, their tempers growing out of control in answer to the crippling anxiety and depression that was slowly starting to root inside their minds. It not only affected their relationship, but also their work and, eventually, their managers had to sit them down and force them to take a break so as to figure out a solution.

It took them an absurdly long time to understand that all of their issues mostly stemmed from the fact that they had been repressing their Caregiver needs for so long and, in addition to that, lived through an exhausting and demanding lifestyle in a constantly stressful environment – in other words, the doctor they met with suggested taking a long break, and use that time to find a Little. Now, adopting a Little had never really been a part of their life plans, considering just how much time and energy had to go into taking care of a Little. Still, there was no denying that they were at the end of their ropes so at that point, any solution would do. They were uncertain, full of doubts and insecurities, but determined to put in the effort to make things work.

They visited multiple Little Centers over the course of a few weeks, meeting with different Littles of all ages and characters but, as adorable as they all were, none of them quite clicked with them. They'd been repressing their Caregiver sides for too long, they couldn't connect with Littles as naturally anymore.

But then, Felix came along.

Surprisingly enough, they didn't meet him in a Little Center – they met him in a cozy little cat café they'd randomly stumbled upon. Minho wanted to see the cats, and Hyunjin needed a coffee, so they both decided to take a break from their search and go in. The moment they entered, they were greeted by a kind-looking woman with greying hair, who was quick to show them to a table. The small café was quiet, not a single other costumer in sight, and the apparent owner was all-too-eager to take their orders.

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