Coffee & Sweets (3RachaLix)

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Pairing: 3Racha & Felix

Genre: Coffee Shop AU

!!TW!! : mild angst, just them falling in love and eventually getting their shit together

(requested by @angelkisses0915)




3Racha was the name of a fairly popular local coffee shop within walking distance of the university campus, meaning their early mornings and late evenings were usually the busiest times, with the tired students needed caffeine to kickstart their day or keep up their energy to work late. Lunches and afternoons were calmer, saved for the weekends. 

They had a few regulars, but most of the clientele that showed up around these times were usually older people out for some socializing or workers in tailored suits rushing to order before taking off to another meeting.

(The reason behind this was pretty simple: as amazing as their coffee was, the pastries, snacks, and sandwiches also offered on the menu just weren't as good and, while they weren't downright awful, people usually found someplace else to eat their fill before coming to order a drink.)

And so, they were quite surprised when one Tuesday afternoon, a young man who could only be a student walked in and ordered a piece of strawberry shortcake with a bottle of water. He obviously wasn't from their neck of the woods if he didn't even know about their coffee.

He'd taken it to go and, when Changbin had handed him his order (Jisung was actually the one behind the counter, but he'd suffered from an episode of extreme gay panic when the guy walked in, so Changbin had to take over), he smiled and his nose scrunched up and oh my God he's so cute what the hell—

"Thank you so much! I'm sure it'll be delicious! I'll see you around!"

Lee Felix was the name he'd given when putting in his order – and boy, were Chan, Changbin, and Jisung in for one hell of a ride with that one.


Felix came back every day for five whole weeks after that, always ordering a coffee (he'd learned since his first time) and a different pastry to go, and there was no denying the trio was kind of whipped for him already. As such, they were a bit disappointed when the cute freckled boy didn't show up one day, but they didn't mind too much, preparing themselves for the usual rush that occurred every Friday (starting from the end of the afternoon to the late evening).

They were quite confused when said rush simply... didn't happen.

"Where the hell is everyone?" asked Changbin, gawking at the literally empty room beyond the counter.

"I have no idea," sighed Jisung, running a frustrated hand through his hair. "We're going to lose a lot of stuff if this keeps up—"

"Guys, guys!" Chan suddenly burst inside, his eyes wide with palpable horror. "A new coffee opened just on the other side of the street!!!"


They left the reins to their one extra employee, Jeongin, and the trio promptly left their shop in order to go check it out. They were both awed and horrified by the incredible amount of costumers standing in line and patiently waiting outside the doors of a brand-new coffee shop. It was smaller than 3Racha, but it also had a cute little terrace outside, with large, colorful parasols meant to protect from sun and rain alike. All of the tables were occupied, and they didn't need to peek inside to know all seats in there were filled, too.

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