Drag You Under (SanHwaLix)

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Pairing: San & Felix & Seonghwa

Genre: Modern Fantasy AU

!!TW!! : implied minor character deaths, man-eating sirens, I want to tag "enemies-to-lovers" but it's more like a taming process so I dunno, near-death experience(s)




Ever since he'd learned how to walk, Felix had been warned not to go anywhere near the lagoon at night – especially during a full moon. Tales and rumors of monstrous creatures roaming under the waves populated Felix's childhood, and everyone knew better than to not heed those warnings. 

There were a few foolish enough to go against them, tempting Fate and paying the price for it, but their numbers dwindled over time as not a single one of them ever came back. Even groups of seasoned monster hunters absolutely refused to get involved, unwilling to risk it and simply telling civilians to steer clear of the place whenever night fell.

But Felix... Felix was a curious child. No matter what everyone told him, he simply couldn't help but want to know exactly what occupied the lagoon each night.

A little after Felix turned eight, his curiosity grew too great and, no longer able to move on with his life when the unknown was taunting him so greatly, he finally caved in. One night – not a full moon, he wasn't that stupid, he told himself – he stuffed a bunch of pillows underneath his blankets and snuck out of his room through the window. 

He scraped his knee on the way down, but he wasn't about to back out when he was already this far in his little quest. So, promising himself to only take a quick look and run at the first sign of danger, he snuck off the property and made his way down the staircase that led directly to the beach.

It wasn't the first time he'd been to the beach at night, and he quite enjoyed the peace and quiet only troubled by the gentle 'SWOOSH' of the waves. He let his feet sink in the sand for a few seconds, letting his eyes wander over the horizon and all the way up to the sky sparkling with stars, before eventually reminding himself of his self-appointed mission.

The lagoon was a little under twenty minutes away from his home but, with his little legs, it took him about twice that time before he finally reached his destination. He gulped a bit as he faced the tall, rocky wall that blocked off the lagoon, with the not-so-secret entrance off on the side.

He could still turn back.

He didn't.

He carefully made his way through the entrance, his heart beating so fast he feared it'd burst out of his chest. The sand was cold under his bare feet and the whooshing of the waves was now a distant background noise. When he finally made it to the other side of the pathway, he held his breath and peered out. 

The lagoon was even more beautiful at night. It was always fun to go there and play with his friends during the day, because it was almost completely closed off and so the waves weren't too strong. The sun was usually reflected on the water, but Felix's breath was taken away by the sight of the half-moon's reflection rippling gently in the distance.

But, other than that... there wasn't anything.

Figuring whatever monster present was simply hiding away and waiting for its next meal's approach, Felix dared to take a step outside. He carefully glanced around, ready to bolt at a moment's notice, but... still nothing. The adrenaline started dying down as confusion took over, and he completely came out of hiding, narrowing his eyes as he tried to find something.

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