Killing Me Softly (?) [PART 2]

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Pairing: ? & Felix

Genre: Detective AU

!!TW!! : suspense, murders, major character deaths, blood, a bit gore-ish I guess?

(requested by @Maddy05)




Felix was standing in front of the café, frozen in place. Seungmin was inside, and a part of him wanted to just go in and act as if everything was normal, for just one evening, but he couldn't do it. It had started to rain quite heavily, but he couldn't bring himself to go inside. All he could feel was a heart wrenching grief and a soul-consuming guilt. The killer was toying with him, and they'd used Chan and Minho as pawns to taunt him.

How many more people had to get hurt before that monster finally had enough and went after Felix directly?


That familiar voice drew his attention, and he turned his head to glance to his right, where none other than Jeongin stood, holding a flowery umbrella over his head. Jeongin was a new worker at the café, and he'd only been there for a few weeks, but he and Felix had grown quite close during that time – or at least, until Chan was murdered. They hadn't seen much of each other since.


"Oh, hyung."

Jeongin pulled him into a hug, letting his umbrella fall on the ground so he could wrap his arms around Felix properly. Felix stayed still for a brief moment, fighting the urge to cry, then eventually hugged Jeongin back. He was hurting and mourning, he felt guilty and angry and so alone... A hug was exactly the kind of anchor he needed right now.

"Come on, let's get you inside and warmed up," urged Jeongin, linking their arms and picking up his umbrella. "Coffee's on me, alright?"

Felix simply nodded, too tired to argue. He could go back to chasing the killer tomorrow (even though his Captain specifically told him not to). For now... for now, he deserved some rest. As he settled down at a table in the corner, though, his phone buzzed with a new notification – a message from Changbin.


Are you alright? I saw Jeongin taking you inside. Do you want some company?


No, I'm okay. See you tomorrow, Bin.

Though he appreciated the older's concern, he was growing a tad tired of Changbin's constant hovering and supervision. He felt stifled with all the attention and, right now, he needed support from anyone and anything that wasn't related to his workplace.


He found a package waiting for him in his room when he returned home from grocery shopping three days after his probation began. It looked exactly like the previous two, and Felix's guts churned painfully as he realized yet another murder had taken place.

He practically tore the box open, already bracing himself for what he'd find. In it were two hands of which all the fingers had been cut – except for one, which was adorned with an all-too-familiar ring.

("Look, hyung! Isn't it pretty?"

"It's a beautiful ring, Innie.")

Shining Star//Dimming Light (VOL.2) (Felix X SKZ ONE-SHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now