Until Death Do Us Part (MinLix) [PART 2]

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Pairing: Minho & Felix

Genre: Fantasy AU

!!TW!! : slavery (kind of), implied racism, angst, disease, saying goodbye is sad




Change was well on its way but, unfortunately, it would seem Fate wasn't on their side. Barely sixty years after the promise they made to themselves that night, Felix's condition only worsened, if possible. Minho was worried, of course, but Felix tried to act as if nothing was happening – and it worked, for a while.

Until it didn't anymore.

They were having a private dinner with their friends to discuss the advancements of Chan's equality project, and the wonderful evening was well under way. Laughter and cheerful chatter filled the room, glasses of wine were passed around, and none of the Demons were forced to wear their collars, seeing as it was only the eight of them.

"And then he refused to go with me, can you imagine? He—Lix?" Hyunjin paused in his tale, tilting his head in confusion. "Felix, you okay?"

"W- what?" Felix suddenly snapped out of his daze, offering the Angel a weak, sheepish laugh. "Ah, sorry, sorry. I got... a little spaced out. You were saying?"

But Hyunjin simply frowned. "You look a little pale. Are you sure you're okay?"


Felix was caught off abruptly by an unexpected wave of dizziness, and he jumped to his feet. The loud noise of his chair scrapping the floor was enough to earn the attention of the others, but Felix paid them no mind as he stumbled backward, a flash of pain going through his heart as if someone was repeatedly stabbing it with a needle. Then, without any warning, he collapsed, Minho barely managing to catch him in time.

"Felix? Felix!!!"

Felix's eyes rolled back, and darkness took over.


"This is the worst case of core atrophy I've ever witnessed. Usually, the disease would simply stop over time, but with the constant strain put on him magic by the collar, I'm afraid it only worsened his condition."

"What are you saying, doctor?" Felix asked, his voice a little raspy.

The Demon had been unconscious for three whole days, and Minho had never felt so weak and helpless in his entire life. He'd just learned from the doctor that they didn't even know if Felix was going to wake up at first, which was worrying enough in and of itself, but it would seem they weren't done with the bad news.

"Master Felix... I'm sorry to say, but you're dying," informed bluntly the Vampire doctor, and one of Chan's most trusted advisors. His expression softened into pity. "I truly am sorry. I wish there was something I could do, but no amount of magic or medicine can help counter this kind of disease now that it's so far gone."

"You can't be serious," gritted out Minho, holding tightly Felix's hand. "Surely there's something that we can do."

"His magic core is now competing with his heart, so to speak. Usually, for Dark and Light creatures, both evolve in complete balance, hence why it prolongs our longevity way beyond that of Humans. However, Master Felix's case is the opposite: his magic core and his heart are completely imbalanced, so they're trying to compensate by encroaching on each other's duties." He pulled off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling a headache growing. "Instead of prolonging his longevity, it reduces it. His body can't handle this type of strain."

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