Falling Angel (SeungLix)

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Pairing: Seungmin & Felix (ft. SKZ)

Genre: Idol AU (slight canon divergence)

!!TW!! : minor injury (kind of), concussion, mild angst, self-blame

(requested by @helia)




Practicing for Kingdom was extremely demanding and exhausting, but the end results were absolutely worth the effort. Getting to show the fruit of their labor to the entire world was quite gratifying, and a unique chance they'd never even consider letting slip through their fingers, hence why they worked so hard.

It was technically their first full stage and, after winning first place with the introduction stage, the group was pumped and determined to keep that title. So, of course, they were going all out. From the song to the stage itself, from the choreography to the makeup – absolutely everything had to be perfect.

They'd worked tirelessly and, finally, it was time for the big show. They had one stage rehearsal left, after which they would finally get to film the real performance for the other groups to watch live. So, they needed to do their best and work out any potential issue that might come up with what little time they had left.

One of the unexpected issues came in the form of the stage itself. There was a point in the performance where the whole group was supposed to be dancing atop a wall, but said wall just so happened to be a lot taller than they first thought. Not only were the stairs extremely hard to climb in synch with the music, but they also didn't have much space left to actually dance up there.

What irked Seungmin the most, however, was how the wall was actually made up of two platforms that would be connected together during the performance. He knew that everything was supposed to be safe, but it didn't stop him from worrying for the other members – and more specifically Felix.

Felix was located at the very center of the formation during that particular part, meaning he would be directly atop the space where the two platforms connected. And, while Seungmin had faith in the people who'd built the contraption in the first place, no amount of self-reassurance could chase the seed of anxiety that had begun taking roots in his guts.

Unfortunately, before he could finally find the courage to voice his worries, they were asked to get into formation so they could get started on the rehearsal. Quickly finding their respective places, Seungmin forced himself to calm down and focus – he couldn't afford to lose his head now, not when the competition was so close.

The music started, and he lost himself a bit to the music. He managed to get his head back in the game and got through his solo part. Everything was moving quickly and, before he knew it, they were all up on the wall with Felix approaching from behind. As Seungmin stayed in a crouching position, his eyes instinctively went back to the space where the two platforms were connected.

Anxiety slammed right back into him as he noticed they weren't, in fact, connected.

Something had gone wrong somewhere, and there was a gap – a small one, but big enough to cause concern. Still, he decided against saying anything as he heard Felix coming up just behind, realizing they didn't have the time to stop when they only had one shot at a stage rehearsal – they'd simply have to address the issue after.

As they danced, though, he couldn't help but constantly look back to Felix's feet, between which the gap kept on widening because of how many people were rocking the platforms from all sides. He barely focused on his dance, too worried for the freckled boy who hadn't even noticed the problem—

Shining Star//Dimming Light (VOL.2) (Felix X SKZ ONE-SHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now