The Next Journey (?)

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Pairing: ?

Genre: ?

!!TW!! : none




"—and scene! That's a wrap, people! Good job!"

Felix let out a shaky breath as he straightened up. Everyone began applauding and he bowed numerous times, thanking all of the staff members, filming crew, and fellow actors who'd worked on this enormous project. He eventually walked off the set, finding his way to the nearest chair to have his makeup removed. 

The makeup noonas were done in a flash, but maybe it was because Felix felt a bit... detached. Or numb, really. He'd been working on this series for so long, it was kind of hard to believe they'd just filmed the last episode. When the makeup noona sent him off with a smile, all he could do was smile back, thank her, and finally take his leave.

Everyone would gather tomorrow evening for a celebratory dinner in a fancy restaurant but, right now, all Felix wanted to do was head home, take a long, hot bath, and bask in the presence of the people he loved most in this world. So, with his facemask firmly in place and a bag slung over his shoulder, Felix promptly headed out. 

His chauffeur drove him directly home, Felix not having the energy to deal with fans right this instant. Once they made it to the apartment building, Felix thanked his chauffeur and generously tipped him before heading inside, the doorman welcoming him as he passed the threshold.

The elevator ride to the eighth floor was almost like a fever dream. By the time Felix entered the large apartment, he almost felt too floaty to move at all, as if the slightest move would send him flying off – but then, strong arms wrapped around him from behind and firmly anchored him.

"Your head is too high up, baby. You should have called one of us to come get you."


Felix definitely wasn't in the right headspace to talk right now. With a small, fond sigh, he was gently turned around, and a small smile stretched his lips when he met Chan's eyes.

"Hi, baby," greeted his boyfriend, kissing the tip of his nose.

Felix mumbled a greeting back, already melting in Chan's arms. The older chuckled, easily picking him up and carrying him into their apartment. They headed straight for the bathroom, where Hyunjin was already drawing a bath for him.

"Hi, angel," he cooed. "How does a nice bath sound, hm?"

"Absolutely amazing," croaked out Felix, shivering a bit when Chan sat him down on the counter.

After exchanging one last kiss, Chan took his leave, and Hyunjin took over. He helped Felix undress before helping him into the bath, the hot water instantly turning him into a puddle of goo. Felix let out a happy noise, sinking as far as he could manage while Hyunjin began carefully washing his hair.

Neither of them said anything, Felix basking in the warmth and attention, and Hyunjin aware that his sweet, freckled boyfriend was too deep in his head to really talk right now. Just getting to take care of him in such a way made him happy, though – Felix wasn't the type to ask for help, even when he needed it, so all of his boyfriends were always more than happy to tend to his every need when he got into this kind of state.

When he finally had to pull Felix out of the bath, Hyunjin was tender with his care, gently drying every inch of skin before eventually dressing him up in the comfiest clothes in the entire apartment – namely Hyunjin's sweatpants and Jeongin's hoodie. Felix let out a small hum when he smelled their youngest boyfriend's cologne in the hoodie.

Shining Star//Dimming Light (VOL.2) (Felix X SKZ ONE-SHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now