Little Minx (OT8)

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Pairing: SKZ & Felix (ChanLix Focus)

Genre: Non-Idol AU, Hybrid AU

!!TW!! : sexual teasing, explicit sexual content, lingerie, mild dirty talk, one toy

(requested by @Scareedperson)




To say Felix loved all seven of his precious boyfriends with all his heart would be a dreadful understatement – he positively adored them, and he never failed to demonstrate it in all sorts of ways. From baking their favorite treats to offering cuddles and massages when they were down or stressed, Felix was ready and willing to do anything to make them happy.

However, that did not mean he didn't get some fun out of teasing them from time to time.

Life had been a little... dull, lately. Felix would never dare to complain about things being peaceful, God knew they'd faced more than their share of obstacles and trials in the past few years, but he was a little bored. So, what better way to stave off his growing boredom than teasing his precious boyfriends a little? 

Which was why he was now currently baking in the kitchen wearing nothing but a slightly undersized pair of baby blue boxers through which his grey, fluffy tail hung loosely, and a cute pink apron on which was written "the cook wants kisses".

(Classics were classics for a reason, after all, and it was a gift from Minho – one of Felix's most prized possessions, assuredly.)

And, as expected, it didn't take long before the warm smell of brownies filled the house and drew the attention of whoever was home at the moment. Felix couldn't help but smile as he heard someone inhaling sharply and, barely a few seconds later, large hands encased his hips and someone pressed against his back – Jeongin, if the painted black nails were anything to go by.

"What are you wearing, kitten?" rumbled the fox hybrid, nuzzling the back of Felix's head.

The freckled boy instinctively leaned against his boyfriend's chest. "I don't know what you're talking about, Innie. I'm just wearing my apron—"

Jeongin's hold on his hips tightened the slightest bit as the fox nipped his shoulder. "Yeah, and nothing else. What game are you playing at, kitty-cat?"

He started trailing butterfly kisses up the cat hybrid's exposed throat, Felix's greyish ears twitching with barely concealed excitement. Jeongin started rutting against his ass, the cat letting out a soft mewl as he grinded back. Felix allowed himself to indulge in the attention and pleasure building up for a few seconds before he remembered his plan and, gathering all of his willpower, he suddenly pushed Jeongin away.


"Sorry, Innie – I gotta finish my brownies!"

With a small giggle and a kiss on his boyfriend's nose, Felix then abandoned his Jeongin and walked over to the oven to pull out the first batch. The fox openly gawked at him for a moment, because it was so unlike Felix to reject any of his boyfriends' attention, before he finally noticed the slightly smug look on the cat's face. With a small, displeased growl at being teased, Jeongin stalked out. 

The moment he was gone, Felix let out a soft laugh. Teasing Jeongin made him feel... powerful, in a weird way. He was usually pretty submissive, and rarely a brat – so, to lead his precious boyfriend on in such a way and getting to call the shots sent a small shiver down his spine.

He wondered just how far he could push everyone before they finally snapped.


Over the course of the next few days, Felix completely let loose. He'd lure his sweet boyfriends with provoking outfits that became more daring and revealing by the day, gave them just a bit of a taste, and then abruptly pulled away with a flimsy excuse and a smug, victorious grin.

Shining Star//Dimming Light (VOL.2) (Felix X SKZ ONE-SHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now