Breaking the Ice (OT8)

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Pairing: SKZ & Felix

Genre: Viking AU

!!TW!! : hypothermia, angst, mentioned past abuse, death idealization, suicidal thoughts, depression, insecurities, sickness




"Come on, hyung! Faster!"

"Slow down, Jeongin! You're going to trip—"


Minho heaved out a sigh as his youngest husband – and the clumsiest of the lot, too – did exactly that: he tripped and fell right onto his face. It wasn't the first time, and it certainly wouldn't be the last, and so Minho didn't exactly hurry to his side, aware the younger was most assuredly fine.

Jeongin pushed himself back to his feet with a small wince, but he was far too used to falling for it to really hurt. Plus, they were on a beach that was mostly made of sand (with, like, a quarter of it made of pebbles softened by the sea), so it's not like it had been all that painful. As he dusted himself, however, something in the distance caught his attention. At first believing it was a large log that had been washed ashore by yesterday's storm, he then started noticing the strange shape and curves of it...

"Jeongin?" Minho caught up to him, quirking a brow. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine... but what's that, over there?"

Confused, Minho looked in the direction Jeongin was pointing at. After a few seconds, his sharp eyes narrowed. Without saying a word, he suddenly took off in a small jog and, at first startled, Jeongin was quick to follow him. He didn't understand why Minho was acting so weirdly but, as they started getting closer to the strange object, it soon dawned on him.

It wasn't a thing – it was a person.

The individual was laid on their side, their clothes ripped and soaked, and what little skin they could see was incredibly pale – worryingly so. Minho rushed to their side while Jeongin stayed frozen in place, staring at the person with growing horror. Had they just found a body?

"Jeongin!" He snapped out of his daze as Minho called out to him, urgency piercing his voice. "He's still breathing!"

Not a body, then. That knowledge instantly made him relax, though another kind of worry soon took over – if the guy wasn't dead, it certainly wouldn't stay that way for much longer.

"We have to take him to Hyunjin," urged Minho, quickly stripping out of his fur coat. "Come on, let's get rid of his clothes and bring him – quick!"

He was most assuredly suffering from hypothermia, which was bad, obviously. Not wasting any time, Jeongin helped Minho strip the unknown man of as many layers as they could without getting him outright naked, and they then used both of their coats to cover him. Jeongin shivered a bit as the cold air nipped at his skin, but he ignored it as he helped Minho pick the other up and propped him on Minho's back. Once certain he wouldn't drop him – the poor man was incredibly light, yet another notable issue – Minho nodded at his husband.

"Go, warn Hyunjin. I'll be right behind you."

Nodding in agreement, Jeongin instantly took off. He might be the clumsiest of their strange family, but he was also one of the fastest runners in the village, and that certainly came in handy right about now. He rushed all the way up the shore, back to the village, swerving between the large, rotund houses and eventually finding his way to one of the smaller huts, near the center.

He burst inside, panting hard, but intent on delivering his message.

"Jeongin!" Hyunjin, one of his husbands and also the Head Healer in their village, startled at his arrival. "What's wrong?"

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