Submit, Baby (OT8)

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Pairing: SKZ & Felix

Genre: Idol AU, D/s AU

!!TW!! : angst, Dominant and Submissive are official biological classifications so this basically works like an A/B/O AU but with a different trope, implied past non-con, implied forced headspace, implied past subdrop, implied past abuse, TRAUMA in case it wasn't explicit, implied sexual content, headspace, subspace, implied beginning stages of depression, anxiety, disassociation, drugging, manipulation (with good intent)

(requested by @Didn'tknowIwasafan)





The classification which required obedience and submission from others, the one that throve on being depended upon. Doms represented about 30% of the world's population and were the first to present, mostly around the ages of fifteen and sixteen, when puberty was at its peak.


The classification which, as its name implied, could switch dynamics depending on their partners, their needs, their situations, and even their preferences. Switches represented about 55% of the world's population and they usually settled for a specific dynamic later on in life, but a few still enjoyed losing themselves to various headspaces. They could present at any given time.


The classification which needed to obey and to please, the one that throve on being taken care of. Subs represented 15% of the world's population and presented much later, around eighteen and nineteen, and they were the ones with the most vulnerable headspace.

There were classists in the world who believed in Dom supremacy, spouting nonsense about how Subs were biologically inferior to Doms in every way and were meant to be treated as such – what they refused to acknowledge was how Doms needed Subs as much as Subs needed Doms.

Their society functioned on a carefully built balance between the two. Though the matter of headspaces was still impossible to grasp in its fullness, all experts could agree on a few specific things – namely, the consequences fighting one's headspace could entail. Doms would become reckless, overbearing, and aggressive, sometimes lashing out or even physically attacking others – and Subs grew depressed, withdrawn, suffered from a severe loss of autonomy, and were quite likely to end up hurting themselves.

In order to avoid those drastic situations, Doms and Subs needed to give in to their respective needs – Subs needed to submit, and Doms needed to dominate. And, while those needs weren't entirely restricted to sexual acts and/or situations, a healthy headspace stemmed first and foremost from a fulfilled sex drive.

Unfortunately, for some people, it was easier said than done – and for Lee Felix, it was even harder than that. Being an Idol already wasn't a walk in the park, but presenting as a Sub when the rest of his groupmates presented as Doms? Yeah, tough shit – even more so when one of the people Felix was supposed to trust suddenly began abusing his newly developed headspace.

The now ex-member was long gone, but Felix hadn't forgotten how much he'd suffered at his hands. Countless subdrops, a fuckton of psychological and physical abuse, and one-too-many incidents of a forced headspace had led to major trust issues and an incredibly amount of trauma he still struggled with to this day. Even with his tormentor gone, Felix's pain and shame remained. He absolutely loathed his classification and did everything in his power to resist it, to fight off his headspace and ignore his biological needs. He refused to submit to anyone and, most importantly, to himself – he wouldn't make that mistake again.

Shining Star//Dimming Light (VOL.2) (Felix X SKZ ONE-SHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now