Chapter 3

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Matt and I walked 5 houses down and there was his house. It was a large two story blue house with a wrap around porch and a two car garage. I can't believe I never knew he lived here. I never came outside much so I guess I just never noticed him. I was always consumed in what I was doing when I did go outside.. I always had headphones in my ear so I could tune everyone else.. So how long have you been living here?  I asked him. All my life he said.. Really how come I have never seen u before? Probably because you were always inside. I knocked on your door once but nobody answered. Hmm I say I never answer my door and nobody not even my friends at school have ever been inside my house. I am usually a very private person when it comes to my home life.. I Just feel like no one will understand. Y is that he asked.. I can't tell you I say. OK well you can come in my house my parents are at work they don't get home till 6. You are staying for dinner right? UMMM.... yeah sure if your mom and dad don't mind. They don't mind they always cook enough for at least 6 people.. How many people live with you? Just my mom, dad and me I am an only child. What about you? Just my mom, dad and me. my brother Vincent use to live with us but he is 19 he left after he got his GED and I haven't seen or heard from him since.. Im sorry to hear that... Don't be sorry he use to beat me so I'm glad he is gone. WHAT?!! Oh crap I didn't want to say that.. I swore I wouldn't tell anyone please don't tell anyone Please just forget that... Emily I won't say anything but I will certainly not forget about it. What he did was wrong no matter what his reasons were for doing it. He never said why he did it I never asked. I just took what he dished out and went about the day like nothing happened. Didn't your parents notice? Ha ha I start laughing. No my parents are not worried about me. They do their own thing. Matt shook his head and didn't ask anymore questions. I figured he would ask again eventually but he looked like he was mad? whats wrong? i asked He just looked at me and went into the kitchen. He came back with two bottles of water.. and sat down really close to me on the couch.   I shifted a little not sure what to do. I just don't understand why people think they have the right to hit people for no reason.. I don't know either. He pulls me closer to him and just wraps him arm around my shoulder.. I have question he says..OK ask it. Will you be my girlfriend Emily.. I blush but I say yeah I guess so.. You guess so he chuckles.. yeah I've never had a boyfriend before. Well usually boyfriends and girlfriends make out. OH really and what if I say NO... Then we won't make out he says.. I turn my body towards him and look at the clock on the wall. Its 5pm already.. He just watching me then he turns to see what I'm looking at.  Hey I say. right when he turns his head towards me I crash my lips on his almost knocking him down.. Whoa he said after a little while aggressive are we.. I just giggle... I like seeing u smile.. He kisses me again pushing me down on the sofa.. My shirt has risen up a little and he can see some of my skin.. I see him glance at my stomach and then looks back up to me for approval.. I just nod I am curious to what it will feel like..he squeezes my exposed waist and I Gasp.. I see him grinning. His hands start moving up towards my breast.. He lightly squeezes one and brings his lips to mine. OMG my inner thoughts are screaming... I totally zone out and just concentrate on his hands.. Suddenly I hear the front door open.. He doesn't seem to fazed about it.. Um Matt who is that? Matt suddenly sits up and pulls me to a sitting position.. That would be my parents.  OH i say and for some odd reason start laughing..He just smiles at me.. Soon after his Mom and Dad walk into the living room.. Hi I say. Well Hello says Matt's father.. Are you staying for dinner. Yeah sir. if that's ok..  Matt may I talk to you in the other room please.. sure  he says.. He gets up and goes in the room with his dad.. His mom was in the kitchen preparing dinner.. I walk in and ask her if she needs some help.. No thank you Sweetie I got it.. Ok if u need any hep let me know.. She just turned around and hugged me.. You can stay here and talk to me if u want. OK  im not sure what to say at first.  How did you meet Matt she asks? School I say he is in a grade above me..Im in 7th grade.. She just smiles.. and then ask you live close by? Yes ma'am only a few houses down. my mom and dad weren't home after school.. So Matt invited me over here. It was getting awkward. luckily Matt walked in the kitchen..Come on he says lets go to my room. Mom come gets us when dinner is done please. Ok i will.. Keep your door Open.Yes Ma'am .. We talked about his parents and what his dad told him.. his mom called us for dinner shortly after. Dinner was quiet. After dinner Matt walked me home. Thanks for letting me come over I say. No problem he says. I will see u tomorrow at school. He leans into kiss me and I don't hesitate to kiss him back. I pull away first I have to go.. see u tomorrow morning.. you wanna walk to school together tomorrow. Sure. OK see u  7 I will call u since you don't answer the door.  ok bye.. As I walk into my house I start looking around for my parents.. ugghh where are they.. prolly went drug searching again.. guess i will be on my own tonight. I get ready to take a shower.. After my shower is done I sit on my bed and start my homework..  I fell asleep doing it.. I'm watching my brother yelling at my parents. asking them what they are doing.. he looks really mad.. I hurry up and run to my room hopefully he won't come yell at me.. No such luck I hear his footsteps coming loudly up the stairs.. I try to shut my door before he can get to me.. but he catches me and throws me against the wall. This is all your fault he says before u were born they weren't like this.. if u weren't born they would still be the loving parents i remember.. that's not true I say.. I didn't make them this way.. Shut up!! he says them slaps me across my face and throws me against the wall I crumple on the ground and he starts kicking me in my stomach.. I was scared. Then I see Matt he pulls Vincent away from me. and punches him in the face.. Never hurt her again or I will kill u myself...Vincent just walks out my room and slams his door. Matt helps me up are u ok he says yeah I say wincing.. I will never let anyone hurt you.. He hugs me..  I jolt awake again.. OMG he saved me in my dream.. maybe what that girl said is true.. but so far its not a bad thing he seems to be protecting me.... OH Shit its 6 am and I didn't finish my homework..... Matt calls me at 6:45 to make sure I'm up.. I walk out the door at 6:55 .. my parents are still not home I wonder where they are?

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