Chapter 4

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As Matt and I are walking to school he laces his fingers with mine. So how did u sleep last night? he asked. I slept ok fell asleep doing my homework.. Did you finish it? No not my math but I didn't get it any way.. I'm not too worried about it.. Who Is your Math teacher? Mr. Stillman. Oh boy he said.. Why do you say it like that. I had him last year said Matt.  He was very strict about homework.. Yeah I know a few weeks ago I didn't have my homework because I was at the hospital with my mom... He told me well you should have brought it with you to the hospital.. He has no sympathy at all.. Next Step is detention if he already gave you a warning.. I know I'm hoping he won't ask for it. Ha ha said Matt good luck with that.. So you dream about anything interesting last night? No just about past memories..with improvements. Improvements?? what does that mean.. Um that just means... I had some help from and unexpected person.. OH he says and who might that be? Just someone I know.. I look at him and see him smiling like he knows who I am talking about.. If that girl in my first dream was right then he already does know.  We start approaching the school his fingers still laced with mine. I see my friends already there still waiting for me.. when they see me and Matt their eyes go wide.. They seemed surprised Matt whispers in my ear.. Of course they are they  think they know everything about me..But they don't know the half of it. Matt just smirks.. As we walk up to my friends they all start talking at once... OMG says Erin are you guys dating now? Yes I say blushing.. Glenna just stares and said So Matt did you get to go in her house she won't let any of us go over to her house we don't even know where she lives. No Matt says I didn't go in her house but I do know where she lives. She lives down the street from me.. WHAT?? really says May she lives that close too you. Yeah but she came and ate dinner at my house last night..  Erin, Glenna,and May..just stare there shocked looks on their faces.. Snap out if it guys i say.. Oh sorry says Erin Im just happy you are becoming normal... HUH? I say What does that mean.. It means you are letting someone get close to you and not pushing them away.. says Erin.Yeah have to put my walls down eventually they can't stay up forever..Enjoy life while you can right? yeah Erin says.. The bell rings for class..Matt lets go of my hand and kisses me.. May clears her throat.. um guys we gonna be late.. OK gees don't be so pushy.. I start to walk away Hey Em I have a detention at lunch today so I'll meet you outside by the tree after school.. Ok i have basketball practice after school you gonna watch me get all sweaty.. he just grins and says yeah I can't wait he comes closer to me and slaps me on my butt.. Better get to class he says... Yes sir i say smiling. I look back and see him smiling too.  Sitting in Class I am internally hoping that Mr, Stillman doesn't ask to pass up the homework... Damn no such luck.. I see him watching me too.. Miss Henderson where is your homework? he asks.. I just pretend not to here him.. Crap now he was walking to my desk.. Miss Henderson where is your homework? Unfinished I say.. and  why is that he says.. I stand up make eye contact with him and say I just didn't feel like doing it.. everyone one in the class gasp and start whispering among themselves.. DETENTION Miss Henderson at lunch room 203 this is the third time  this year u didn't do your homework.. Whatever I say.. May that Detention for the rest of the week... grrr.. I really don't like him.. come get your paper to bring to your detention.. You will use that time to do your assignment.. And what is I don't I say then U will never get  of detention.. I sit back down and sigh.. My other classes before lunch go by pretty fast. We had a test in history but I was prepared for that test. History is my favorite class... When its Lunch time Erin comes up to me said you ready to eat. I heard they having pizza today.. Can"t i say I have detention.. WHAT?? you have detention? yeah Mr. Stillman I didn't finish my homework.. then I stood up to him and told him I idid't do it just because I didn't feel like it.. What Erin says why would you do that.. I don't know I was mad and I don't like him.. I have detention for the rest of the week. so I won't be eating with you guys sorry. OK just don't make a habit of it.. I won't I say and walk off to the detention room leaving Erin in the middle of the hallway shaking her head.  As I am entering the detention room I see Matt sitting at a desk in the back with his head down.. I give Mr. Martin my detention slip.. OK Miss Henderson Have a seat... I don't say anything I just walk to the desk next to Matt. I take a seat and say Well this is boring... don't you think.. Matt looks up and sees me sitting next to him.. he grabs my hand under the desk.. What are you doing here he says.. Mr. Stilman is all I say and he nods then says figures..So what do we do in here I say Nothing he says just talk and sit. We usually write or do our homework but that's only when Mr. Druid is here.. Mr. Martin usually just goes to sleep until the bell rings and he sleeps like a brick.. Hmmm I say it must me nice to sleep so soundly.. Yeah it must he says smirking.. I remove my hands from his and put my hand on his thigh I start rubbing it.. I hear him take in a breath. UHH Emily I wouldn't do that if I were you. why I say? He moves my hand over a little and I can feel what he talking about .. Ohh Im sorry... I say its ok just not here or Im gonna take you in the janitors closet and there will be no stopping me... I quickly remove my hand and and blush.. I have to be in here for the rest of the week I tell him.. Mr. Stillman is an ass he says... Yep I agree..  The bell finally rings.. I get up to leave Matt grabs my hand.. Ill walk with you he says..OK .  After School I go to the gym for Basketball  practice.. You ready for the game Friday says Erin yeah say I'm ready.. I put my hair in a pony tail and put on my gym shorts and a tank.. Hey Emily say May.... yeah I say whats up.. You know Matt is out there sitting on the bleachers yeah I say I invited him we walking home together afterwards.. Oh you going to his house again. NO I'm inviting him too mine.. what will your parents say? I don't know and I don't care... they probably won't be home when I get there anyway. As I walk out the locker room I wave at  Matt.. We were practicing our layups today I made 4 out of 5.. When practice was over I didn't bother change I will shower and change when I get home.. You are really good Matt says.. yeah I'm ok I say..  He just smirks and says trust me you  are good.. Ok whatever you say sexy..He just laughs at that.. sexy huh? yep.. As we near my house the cops are there.. I run the rest of the way leaving Matt who starts to run after me. Emily Wait.!!!!  I run into my house and see my brother there all bloody.. OMG Vincent what did you do?

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