Chapter 22

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Let the Conversation begin. I know yall have some questions about your rooms so we will explain that first. We got the clothes and shoe sizes from your parents. We stocked your bathrooms with the stuff most teenagers need. Emily we got you regular body wash if you want a certain scent we can get it for you when we go out to buy school supplies next week. Matt the same goes for you. Grandma why is there a crib in my room? Well because you are going to need a place for the babies to stay. WHAT!! How did you know?  Both of you come here.  Matt and I follow my grandparents upstairs to their room.  We walk over to their dresser and they tell us to have a seat on the bed They bring us a small clock  that look like a timer but it only has 4 numbers on it which are numbers 1,2,3,4. Ok what is It I asked. Matt looked at me smiling. Do you know what this is I asked him. Yep he says my mom has one. Every Dream stalker family has one. OK I say so what is it. It notifies the head of the family every time a female Dream stalker in their family in pregnant. But I am not a Dream stalker. Matt looked at me and shrugged. Great he doesn't know. Emily my grandma says. Yeah I say I'm confused. We know dear We will tell you everything. Let's start at the beginning .  When a Male and female Dream Stalker are within 100 feet of each other they can feel each other. Usually as kids you start recognizing your gifts around age 9-12. When I was 9  was when I first met Matt. My grandma just nodded. But what about Alyssa I ask then. Alyssa is a Dream stalker but she is a dark one. The dark ones try and get the light ones to fall in love with them by seducing them. If it doesn't work they stalk your dreams to figure out why you won't fall for them. When they see you have found your soulmate which can only be another Dream Stalker they leave. You may meet them again later in life but they are no longer a threat as long as your feelings for your mate stay sincere. When you two fight or one of you gets nervous about yall future together. she will be in there to try and stir it up and keep you apart.  Alyssa cannot hurt you or appear in any more of your dreams unless you let her. I have so many questions I say. we know and we will answer them. To answer your question about How we knew you were pregnant this little invention tells us when one of us is pregnant in this family line. You are the only female left in our lineage so we knew it had to be you.  we also know you are having twins because when this thing went of two times and the line is on the number two. But you are not mad. I had  dream that yall yelled at me when I showed you and ultrasound pic. No we are not mad. Dream Stalkers reach adulthood at 15 which you just made not too long ago. We also age different. We stay the same size as an infant to till the age of 3 at age 4 we look more like a two year old age 5 like a three year old. age 6 like a 4 year old and is when we start school among the regular people. So how old am I really. Your real age is 17 and Matt is 17 also. It is not uncommon for us to get pregnant at this age usually the first time we have sex. See your mother well she was a lets just say she got around. she didn't meet her soulmate till she was 23 but she was with another man before your father. Your brother is not a dream stalker. Only two dream stalkers can make Dream stalker children.  So I don't understand why my parents turned out the way they did. Your mother wasn't faithful to your father. She would often even dream about being with other men sometimes women. That led to your father drinking and losing in dream stalking gift. When your soulmate cheats on you it tears you apart literally. After a while your mother caught something and gave it to your father. he then destroyed himself and paid Vincent to kill him. What!!! yes he paid him 3,000 dollars to kill him. your mother basically died from alcohol and grief we can survive as long as our soul mate is alive. When our soul mate dies we usually die shortly after. One more thing that's is really important them I have some mail for the both of you and yall may rest until dinner. Ok what is that I asked. No form of birth control works. When you are not pregnant you can get pregnant every time you have sex. I don't know what to say to that. But mom had sex with a lot of different men right how come she didn't have more kids. Well it is one of the reasons we didn't talk to her anymore. She was never sure if it was your dad's or not and  at the time she didn't want you dad to know she was having an affair.  So she had abortions. we tried to tell her if it wasn't his put it up for adoption if it aged like a normal child. She refused so we could not watch her kill innocent babies. we kept a close watch on you though. So are you saying its ok for Matt and I to have sex here while I am pregnant.  Yes, but we will explain the rules later. Ya'll can go hang out in one of yall bedrooms. keep the door open. OK  I say Wow brain overload.

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