Chapter 16

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I walk into the office and go sign in. I see mostly babies and little kids here.  A little girl comes  up to and ask are you s princess. no I'm not are you. yeah my mommy says all girls are princesses.  My same is Sarah. What is yours? My name is Emily.  Emily Henderson I hear the doctor call my name. Matt and I stand up and walk towards the exam room. My nerves are really bad as reality hits me. No parents here with you today Emily.  No my parents passed away I am staying with some friends of the family for now then moving to Oregon to live with my grandparents. I came here for a regular checkup, a pregnancy test,  and a transfer document for my new doctor in Oregon. Pregnant? Yes I took a home test and it was positive. ok here is a cup I need you to go pee for me when you come back we will do some bloodwork. Ok thank you I say. As I arrive back in the exam room my phone starts to ring. I tell Matt to answer it.

Matt: Hello

Grandma:  hey do I have the wrong number I am calling for Emily.

Matt: No, ma'am you have the right number this is her boyfriend Matt would you still like to speak with Emily?

Grandma:  Yes, please

Matt hands me the phone its your grandma he says. I take the phone from him and ask him who it is. Its your grandma he says. Oh I say I hope everything is alright. I'm sure it is he reassures me.

Emily: Hey grandma how are you doing?

Granny: I am well I emailed you your plane tickets they are for this weekend. I called the school also and they sent me your  transcripts . Did you know you have enough credits to be a junior? Your boyfriends parents called me also and said he is coming with you out here we will discuss rules and room arrangements when yall arrive. but it is fine with me if he stays with you. Ya'll will sleep in separate rooms.

Emily: Ok Granny that all sounds good  I am at the doctor right now.  Can I call you later

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