Chapter 13: Life: Hell

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I looked at him in disbelief, "soulmate?"

He sighed, "yes, moon goddess paired every werewolf with a soulmate."

"Do you have a soulmate?" I asked, hesitantly.

He smiled, "yes."

I frowned looking at his smiling face, "do you know her?"


"Is she pretty?" My heart was thumping inside my chest loudly.

He grinned, "yes."

I stayed quiet, I didn't want to be disappointed more with his answers. If he knows his soulmate then why did he stay with me and not her? Could I be? I shook my head. Don't get your expectations high, Bella.

He interrupted my thoughts, "what are you thinking about?"

"Do you like her?" I quietly asked.

"Yes, I do like her," he replied softly.

Tears started pooling in my eyes, "can I meet her?"

Isaac looked at me frowning then something clicked inside his mind and he started laughing.

I looked at him in disbelief, "why are you laughing?"

He held my hand tightly, "you can't meet her."

Tears started falling from my eyes, "okay."

Isaac groaned, "Bella, it's you. You're my soulmate."

"Yeah, it's fine. I dont-," I muttered but when I heard what he said my mouth fell open, "what did you say?"

He smiled, "you're my mate, Bella."

My eyes got wide and I yelled, "I am your mate?"

He chuckled, "yes you are."

I smiled with tears in my eyes, I don't know why I felt so happy. I couldn't contain my happiness and if I could dance, I would have already started dancing.

I grabbed Isaac from his shirt to make him come near me and hugged him. He stiffened at first because of my abrupt reaction, but then he hugged me back.

"I am happy," I whispered in the crook of his neck.

"Same," he replied.

"Oh my God, get a room," Liza's voice boomed in the room making both of us looked at her.

"We are already in a room, Liz," Isaac deadpanned.

Katie, Aiden, and even Ryan followed Liza and were standing in the room.

"Then lock the door, geez," Aiden groaned making me laugh.

Katie came towards me, "how are you now, Isabelle?"

I smiled, "I am better now. The doctor said I will be able to get discharged tomorrow."

Liza jumped, "then will you be coming to the packhouse?" But immediately put her hand over her mouth, "I mean our house where we live not pack."

I chuckled, "I don't know, I didn't think about it yet."

Isaac came beside me, "you should come live with us."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "um, I don't want to impose myself on you guys."

Aiden interjected, "you will be far safer there, Isabelle."

"And we all will love to stay with you, you're welcome to stay with us," Katie beamed.

I smiled, "I would love to stay with you, guys."

"I can't wait to do girls' night with you and Katie," Liza started doing a victory dance making everyone laugh.

"Yeah, it would be three of us and we will not have to ask Aiden to join us," Katie sighed while peacefully holding her heart.

"But I am one of your girls," Aiden pouted looking at Katie.

"Dude, man up," Ryan smacked Aiden. It was the second time I've heard Ryan talking. He doesn't talk much or maybe he just doesn't talk to me.

"You wouldn't understand, man. Their skincare is too good," Aiden glared at Ryan, "and I like my skin shiny and smooth."

Everyone talked for some time then left because the doctor and a nurse came as it was my time to get my medicines.

"You should try to move your leg, Isabelle," the doctor said, "if you don't then it would be very tough for you to walk when you start walking again."

I nodded and the doctor left with the nurse. Isaac was sitting on the couch examining a magazine by turning pages over and over again.

"It's just a magazine, not a map to Narnia," I snorted.

He looked at me and put the magazine back on the table while coming to sit on the chair next to the bed "it was interesting."

"Why did you live in the motel, when you have a home?" I inquired him.

"I don't know when I saw you on that road that night, I couldn't stop myself, from coming to you, and even when I dropped you to the motel, I knew you would be there, but I couldn't stay away from you even for a second apart." He replied with his eyes twinkling with so many emotions.

"How did you know I was there?"

"I smelled your scent. I was going back to the packhouse but when I smelled your scent, my wolf started going crazy. I had to stop to see why my wolf was too anxious when I saw you it felt like there was a magnet and I got pulled towards you because of an invisible force."

"When I left my apartment, I walked to this road without any plan or thought but because I knew at the end of that road there would be someplace, where I would feel safe. I didn't know at that time, it would not be someplace but someone," I said while holding his hand, "I feel safe when I am with you."

Isaac smiled and held my hand tightly and kissed my forehead, "I will ask someone to get your stuff from the motel."

Suddenly I remembered Grace, "Isaac? How is Grace?"

Isaac's face fell, "she couldn't make it, Bella."

My heart sank, "she died because of me."

"No, don't say that," Isaac assured me, "Don't blame yourself."

"You should blame me too, Isaac," I looked at him, "why are you not blaming me? Instead, you're asking me to come with you to live in your house"

Isaac cupped my tears-stained cheeks, "it's not your fault, and no one blames you."

"But-but you don't understand, Isaac. I suck at living a peaceful life, I will make your life living hell, too."

"Then I will gladly live in that hell if you're by my side."

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