Chapter 6: A Crimson Shadow

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I ran and ran until I was deep in the forest, I could hear my heart beating and throat burning, but I couldn't stop, I just wanted to run away.

I didn't want to run away from Isaac but the problems. I knew they will come for me and I didn't want Isaac to be in harm because of me. Even after denying it again and again I can't say I don't like him. I do like him, after so many years I felt how it was like to be wanted.

I fell and sobbed while holding my heart because it physically hurt even if I was hurting internally. I wasn't crying because I couldn't be with Isaac but because I could never be happy because of my fears. I wanted to go back to Isaac and tell him that I am ready to give this a chance but I was scared.

I sat on a rock and sobbed, but suddenly I saw some movements amid trees. My heart started beating faster and my gut was telling me to run, but before I could do anything, suddenly I heard someone breathing heavily behind me. I hesitated to turn around but when I did. I saw red eyes staring back at me all I could saw was pure evil in those eyes.

I tried running away but it felt like I was glued to my place and couldn't move. I tried screaming but my mouth was dried out and no word was coming out of my mouth. I kept looking at those eyes even when I wanted to do anything but look at those eyes.

That shadow with red eyes whispered "Rosabella" and touched my face which got me crying out and agonizing in pain.

I screamed and screamed, the pain was intolerable it felt like someone was ripping my soul apart and setting my body on fire. I couldn't think anything, I couldn't feel anything but only the agonizing and never-ending pain.

"I tried finding you for years, but your mother hid you from me," the shadow whispered in an eerie voice making my body shiver, "but at last I found you"

"Who-who are y-y-you?" I croaked.

"Someone who desires you, and wants you."

Before I could say anything the pain started again making me cry in anguish and I yelled the only name which rolled over my tongue without any thought, "ISAAC."

"Scream all you want, cry all you want. You were alone and you will be alone even in the last moments of your life."

I could feel life leaving me, I don't know how could I feel it but I felt like something was leaving my body, even if it was not my soul but something else was leaving me before I could take my last breath I heard a growl and saw the glimpse of a man while the shadow left me and I fell with a thud and everything went black.

I woke up in a bright room. I think I am dead when I heard a voice calling my name. I started finding that voice but I couldn't.

"Hello, who are you?" I asked the voice.

"Rosa, I am here," the voice said behind me.

"Dad," I said in shock and ran to him

"Oh my God, dad. I missed you. I missed you so much," I said hugging him.

"I know you did, my Rose," he said hugging me tightly.

"Wait, if I am here with you that means I am dead?" I said with tears in my eyes feeling happy but I felt sad at the same time because I didn't want to leave Isaac alone.

"No, Rosa, you are not dead," he said.

"But if I am here with, so what does this mean?" I asked him, quizzically.

"That means I want to tell you something important," he said and I nodded giving him a sign to continue.

"Rosa, the thing I want to tell you is strange but you are in danger"

"What danger?" I frowned.

"Rosa, just don't trust anyone. People you care about can betray you, too," he said.

"What are you saying, dad? I don't understand," I said, quizzically.

"Something big and dangerous is coming and you have to be careful"

"Dad stop talking in codes. I don't understand," I said getting frustrated now.

"Rosa, I can't tell you everything. You have to find it by yourself," he said looking at me

"Find out what?"

"Find out who you are," he said.

"I know who am I. I am Rosabella Grayson" I shouted.

"No, you have to know the real you. Find who the Graysons were," he said, calmly.

"I don't understand how would I do that?"

"Take help from Isaac" he smiled.

"Isaac?" I said with wide eyes.

"He will help you, baby. Just try to trust him," he said, "he can never harm you."

"But you said don't trust anybody-" I got cut off by fading into darkness again.

I heard a beeping noise and the smell of medicines hit my nostrils. At first, I could not open my eyes but when I opened my eyes. I was in a white room, a hospital room. I looked at my surrounding but I stopped when I looked at Isaac's sleeping body. He was sleeping on a chair beside my bed while his head was on my bed. I started stroking his hair.

But my mind was only on one thing that my dad said, could I trust Isaac? or not.

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