Chapter 25: Black Magic

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"You suck," Darlene hit Nate with a pop tart. They both have been fighting about who should teach me magic.

"You suck more," Nate glared and ate the pop tart which Darlene hit him with.

"I can manipulate time, can you do that?" Darlene smirked making me gasp.

"You can manipulate time?" I practically yelled at her.

She beamed, "yes, very easily."

I gaped at her, "show me."

She nodded and throw the carton of milk on the ground spilling it everywhere.

Nate shook his head disappointingly, "that's the food you're wasting, you spoiled brat I-"

Before Nate could say anything, the carton of milk was on the table like it never spilled.

I gasped in amazement, "how did you do that?"

"I just went in two minutes before this idiot was yapping and put the carton on the table before I threw it," she replied, nonchalantly.

I frowned, "so you went in the past to change the future which was going to happen?"

She nodded, "yes, but it's not that easy, I can't do it on major things because you never know what thing brings what, so I refrain from doing anything major."

I furrowed my eyebrows together and nodded, "that's the only thing you can do?"

She shook her head, "no, I can also do telekinesis." She said while putting her hand in the air and a book came in her hand in a whoosh of air, "it's much useful in battle, though."


"I can summon weapons, summon magical armors around the body, even can conjure combat avatars."

"Avatars?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I can summon combat avatars, in the shape of my imagination," she beamed, "it automatically makes me a great fighter."

I looked at her with wide eyes, "how do you do that? By doing a spell?"

She shook her head, "no, I was born with these abilities, if someone wants to do time manipulation, telekinesis, or combat magic and that person wasn't born with it then he or she will have to learn spells to even do a single thing."

"Would I have to read spells to do everything, too?" I implored.

She shook her head, "no, you copy people's magic, your mind is strong enough that if you just look at someone doing certain magic, you will be able to mimic it in no time."

I smacked my palm against my forehead, "Woah, I can't believe it."

Nate chuckled while eating his cereals, "you're strong yet you're not even aware of your powers."

I glared at him playfully, "and what do you do?

He sighed and looked at me seriously, "my magic doesn't come from nature but something much worse."

"Like what?"

"Like Darkness." He replied.

I looked at him with wide eyes, "like black magic?"

He nodded, "people call it whatever comes in their mind, but yeah black magic sums it up nicely."

"What can you do by that magic?" I whispered in fear.

"Necromancy, summoning demons, raising the dead but in a zombie form, creating doubles," He looked at me intensely, "and most importantly, I can kill someone by just an intense eye contact."

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