Chapter 1: A deserted road.

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I realized, after walking on the empty, deserted road that walking and crying is not a promising idea. The desolated road was shrouded by dense trees, the crickets were chirping, and I could hear the sound of my footsteps along with my heart hammering against my chest.

"Wow, even my footsteps are sounding like I am in a conjuring movie, damn you, Annabelle"

I could feel someone skulking behind the trees, loitering to attack me "I hope, I don't get murdered tonight by a ghost of a serial killer." I muttered to myself wrapping my arms around me "I seriously need to get a hold on Horror movies"

I heard a sound of a twig snapping which got my heart to bang rapidly against my chest. I picked a broken twig from the side of the road while scampering with bags in my hands.

"Why in the world do I have so many bags" I cursed myself while stumbling with my bags, "If I die tonight with this much luggage my spirit will most probably get bound to this luggage."

I was frantically looking at the darkness surrounding the forest. Unexpectedly, I collided with a wall and fell on my butt. I could hear my ears booming with a high-pitched noise, but when a hand enveloped my mouth. I realized it was me, who was screaming like a dying whale.

"Oh god, stop screaming," a husky voice asserted, "or else my ears are going to bleed out,"

"Will you please open your eyes?" the voice asked, politely. I opened my eyes to see the most exquisite shade of blue eyes. They were looking at me with concern making me lost in that hypnotic gaze for some time, but I got out of my trance and stood up abruptly while holding a twig in front of me in a defensive stance.

"Who are you? let me go" I proclaimed with fear dripping from my voice "or else, I will hit you on your face."

When the blue-eyed creature appeared in the light. I saw the most attractive face, I have ever seen in my entire life. He had brown sluggish hair which was moving in different directions because of the wind. He had the most beautiful blue eyes which contained so much depth, and so many emotions were running through them, while his lips were the softest and pinkest shade a guy could have, and his jawline was as sharp as a knife. I wanted to deliberately give him my heart, which he could cut from his chiseled jawline.

"So when are you going to hit me?" he snickered, "after checking me out?"

"Huh?" I tilt my head in confusion and mentally face palmed myself.

I scrunched my nose and closed my eyes while exhaling, "so this is how I die."

I heard a chuckle, which came from the Greek god standing in front of me. Oh, my heart.

"I am not killing you," he explained while looking amused with my imagination.

I looked at the dark forest, cautiously. Even if I was talking to a stranger who could be a serial killer. I felt strangely comfortable. Damn K-dramas has changed me into a hopeless romantic.

"Look, if you're not killing me," I huffed in annoyance, "Can I go?"

"I don't know where I am standing right now," I looked at the empty road while picking up my stuff, "and I don't have time for chats."

"You need to go to the right, there is a motel," he said calmly but then interjected "don't go to the left side there are rogues there"

I looked at him with wide eyes "I beg your pardon?"

"I meant to say, uhh," he said while stammering, "I have heard that this neighborhood has a fair share of murders and killings."

I gave him an odd look, "You could be that person behind those murders and killings. Why do you think I would listen to a stranger, or possibly a killer?"

He ran his hand over his hair and said in a quiet voice which gave me creeps, yet butterflies were doing hip hop in my stomach "look, I am just telling you the correct path, you're lost anyway"

"Woah" I looked at him with wide eyes "thank you anyways"

"I can give you a ride if you want" He whispered.

"Thank you for the offer, but I can manage" I stated and started walking on the road.

My heart was telling me to go back to that unknown guy but I didn't turn back, because I didn't want to get killed even If I was homeless and had nowhere to go, "stop being a creepy damsel in distress, Rosabelle," I whispered to myself in a hushed tone.

"Hey, hey, simmer down," He yelled while running beside me.

"What do you want?" I scrunched my nose.

"I was meaning to take a stroll anyway," He said while scratching his head, "I will walk you."

"Thanks," I stopped and looked at him, flatly, "but I told you, I can manage by myself."

"How?" He arched his eyebrow "do you have a car? Or a ride?"

"I-I will get one" I sighed. I knew I would never get a ride at that time of night, therefore I was skeptical about this creepy, handsome guy.

"No, you will not" He crossed his arms on his chest and looked at me with his eyebrow arched.

"Why are you so eager to help me?" I yelled at him but felt extremely guilty for screaming at him "I mean, you don't have to do any of this."

"I think, I must keep you safe, right now"

"Okay, mister superman" I rolled my eyes "you don't even know me. I can be a mugger, murderer, or the worst a serial killer."

"I know, I don't have to, but I want to" he whispered. Damn, why he had to come at this time of night, when I was having thoughts battle with myself to trust him, or not.

"Fine, you can drop me somewhere-" I looked at him, cautiously "-but I don't trust you, so if you tried to do anything shady. I am gonna throw my bags at you, then beat the shit out of you"

"Fine, fine. You can beat the shit out of me" he said with his hands up in the air, "can I at least know your name?"

My eyes got wide and I looked at him with my mouth open, "my name?"

"Yes, your name?" He furrowed his eyebrows together and looked at me, "you have a name, right?"

My heart was hammering inside my chest, "why do you want to know my name?"

He tilted his head on the side and looked at me cautiously, "I just want to know your name, not your bank account number."

I coughed and took a deep breath, "then you tell me your name, first."

He shook his head and smiled, "I am Isaac."

I looked at him for a moment and nodded, "then my name is Isabelle."

He looked at me cautiously, and then nodded, "Isabelle," he mumbled my name, this name sounded beautiful from his mouth which made me proud of my name choosing qualities.

"By the way are you sure? You are not Ted Bundy 2.0 or something?" I asked.

"No, no I am not," he pinched the bridge of his nose "I know, I don't look good at all, but you need my help, and I want to help you"


"I can't leave you in the middle of a deserted road, where something bad could happen to you"

"But why do you care?"

"I don't know, I just do"

A/N: I know this chapter sucks but this is my first story so if you think there is a mistake or anything then tell me, and give a vote to please. Xoxo :)

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